Lathan does a great job with the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy, staying true to the mannerisms and thoughts of Austen's beloved couple. Elizabeth's captivating personality and wit shines through, and it's nice to see the transformed Darcy and his romantic, sentimental side. However, as the book went on, the endearments expressed by the newlyweds were a bit overwhelming. Here and there, a "darling" or "my love" is perfectly fine, but there were paragraphs in a single scene of the two expressing their love for one another. I think it slowed the narrative.
The only other problem I had with the book was the excessive number of sex scenes. They were beautifully written as far as such scenes go, and what transpires in each scene fits the portrayal of Elizabeth and Darcy. But it seemed as though 90 percent of the book took place in the bedroom, detailing almost every time the pair made love during the early days of their marriage. Given that they are newlyweds, I think the reader can figure it out for themselves that much of their free time will be spent in the bedroom. I loved when Darcy escorted Elizabeth to the Masque Ball, with all the talk about Darcy's new bride and what happens when a certain guest is aggressive toward Elizabeth, and I wish the book had more scenes like that one.
Even though the only bit of tension in the book occurs toward the end, Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One kept my attention throughout. Lathan's addition to the numerous Pride and Prejudice sequels should stand out due to top-notch writing and an Austen-esque voice. If you love Elizabeth and Darcy, you won't want to miss this one.
**Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One author Sharon Lathan will stop by Diary of an Eccentric on Feb. 25 for a guest post and giveaway. Stay tuned!**
Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One also was reviewed by:
Savvy Verse & Wit
Becky's Book Reviews
The Book Nest
If you've also reviewed it, let me know in the comments, and I'll add your link!
Disclosure: I received a free copy of Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One from Sourcebooks for review purposes.
Great review! I've never finished an Austen book but I would like to try again someday. Love it when an author can convincingly write a sequel to a famous author's work :)
yes, those endearments were a bit much, but I still loved this book.
I've added your review to my post as well...here's my link if you would like to reciprocate: http://savvyverseandwit.blogspot.com/2009/02/mr-mrs-darcy-two-shall-become-one-by.html
That book sounds great, would love to read it :)
But yes can understand if there were too many sex scenes, sometimes I reader should be able to think for themselves too
This is interesting...I think I might feel this to be sacriligeous. For someone to pick up where Austen left off seems wrong in a way! Maybe it is just my newly discovered love for her. And I don't think there is any need to drag us into the bedroom with these two...we can figure out what they are doing!
I have heard good things about this one. But I dont think I'd like to hear about Darcy and Lizzie in the bedroom. lol.
great review!
Excellent job!! You made me want to read it!!
Wonderful review Anna! I just added it to my TBR.
Looks like a good one!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novel and write such a lovely review. I am truly honored that you did so. Sorry that the endearments got to ya! That is just the way I am, and maybe having spent 23 years with a hubby very like my Mr. Darcy has rubbed off in my writing! I am really looking forward to guesting with you and your readers on the 25th of February. Right around the corner! It will be fun.
I do have to say, just for the record, that I was prompted to actually do a page count! LOL! I came up with roughly 40 pages of bedroom moments (generously including even when they were just talking) out of the 295 pages of story. My math makes that 13.5%! Not too unpalatable, ya think? :)
God bless, Sharon Lathan
Ladytink: Thanks! I've only read 3 Austen books. I'd love to have time to read the rest.
Serena: It was a good book for the most part. I didn't have too many complaints. LOL I'll probably read the next one. I'll add your link.
Blodeuedd: I thought they were getting to be too much when I was enjoying other scenes and those seemed to be cut short for more sex.
Sandy: I don't mind that people are writing the Austen sequels. This one was a good one and seemed authentic to me.
Naida: It was hard for me to read at first, but the author really did a good job with these scenes. I think she was true to the characters.
Staci: Thanks! I hope you get a chance to read it.
Teddy Rose: Great! Can't wait to hear what you think of it.
Julie: It was!
Sharon: Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed the review. Oh, and I stand corrected. :)
For many years(25 to be exact) I waited for a writer to capture an amazing life and love between Darcy & Lizzy my all time favourite literary characters.
For me Sharon's writing had me spellbound from the very first chapter. She captured the innocence of first love beautifully which then leads to many sensual loving intimate moments that sizzle off the page. Darcy and Lizzy are fictional characters so why not enjoy taking their fantasy relationship that one step further? Especially when it is all described so beautifully.
Sharon's calculations are a great indicator that there is much more to her story than bedroom scenes. Sharon's descriptiveness is breathtaking and her detail to history brilliant.
This is only the beginning of a wonderful journey for my favourite characters and I thoroughly enjoy reading all of Sharon's books about my fav couple because they are so uplifting.
Hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do! Keep up the great work Sharon!
TSBO devotee
Vee: Thanks for stopping by my blog! I agree that Sharon's writing is great, and the story certainly is uplifting. I just liked some of the scenes that seemed to be cut short better, like Darcy and Elizabeth's first ball as a couple. Even though it felt to me like there were too many bedroom scenes, I think Sharon did a good job with them.
This is a great review! I am dying to read it after reading it. Good luck with the 100. That's what I'm hoping to do this year as well. Last year I only read 50 so am hoping to double it.
Alaine: I hope you get a chance to read it, and I hope you hit 100 as well! Thanks for stopping by.
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