It's also time for another Mailbox Monday, graciously hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page. You can click the picture to see what books participants received in the mail or otherwise obtained over the last week.
I had a few goodies:
Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, a Marine & a Miracle by Major Brian Dennis, Kirby Larson, and Mary Nethery, from Hachette. The Girl was so excited, she couldn't wait to read this one, and we reviewed it before it showed up in the weekly mailbox post.
Island of the Swans by Ciji Ware, from Sourcebooks

Mr. Darcy's Great Escape by Marsha Altman, from Sourcebooks
Second Glance by Jodi Picoult, a surprise treat from a co-worker with whom I was discussing this author.
What books did you welcome into your home recently?
I can't wait to see what you think of Mr. Darcy's Great Escape and Island of the Swans!
All look good! I want to read Second Glance for sure and will check out the others.
These look like great books!
I've read all of Jodi Picoult's books and really enjoyed them...I hope you enjoy Second Glance!
After a long weekend away, I hit the dreaded "mark all as read" button. I'm going to go back and read your review of Nubs because the book looks so good to me.
So glad your computer issue is getting resolved. I feel so out of it when my computer is out of whack. You just don't realize how much you rely on it until it's gone!
That was very nice of your co-worker. I love surprise books.
Great post this week! I love the "surprise book"- I have a Jodi Picoult on my TBR pile right now! It's "My Sister's Keeper" - can you believe that I haven't read it yet??? Happy Monday!
Glad to hear your computer's healthy again! Isn't it awful how quickly that Google Reader fills up when you're not watching? That 1000+ posts mark is never as far away as you'd like to think.... LOL!
Nubs look so cute!
A great box there =) Sorry about your computer woes.. I always feel so guilty about hitting the mark All as read.. but I only do it a few times anyway and just let the fourmillion posts accumulate until it explodes. =)
I have the Ware book for review as well, I am looking forward to it! My post is up at The Burton Review.. if you get to it..
Another darcy book :)
Happy reading with all of those Anna
I marked all my feeds read this weekend too. It looks like you got a nice variety of books.
You got some great book!! Hope you enjoy them all. Second Glance is a great book!
Nubs! OMG so cute! :-)
Looks like some great books. I enjoyed Second Glance.
Island of the Swans looks good! Will have to look into that one!
Second Glance is very different from what she writes. I liked it very much.
Mondays: Mused/Amused etc etc
Anna...good to hear your computer problems are resolved. 1,000 entries in the G, Reader is overwhelming...LOL
I liked Second Glance by Picoult and I hope you do too. Have a good week.
yep.. mark as read and move on. YOU will feel so good. Great mailbox.
Nice mailbox. I love Jodi Picoult's books!
Man, I'm panicking with only 250 posts in my GReader (although I've been weeding down all week).
Enjoy the reads! Picoult is always a comfort read for me (um, as weird as that sounds).
Thank you all for stopping by my mailbox. My computer's being slow again, and work is hectic, so Google Reader is again out of control. I'm thinking I'm never going to get caught up! Thanks for bearing with me.
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