As much as I like Ribena, I've known in the back of my head for quite some time that it's something that wouldn't look good on me. I could continue to knit it simply because I enjoy the mindless knitting, but I'd only wind up with a sweater I'd never wear. So it's set for frogging. (I'd do it now just to get it over with, but it's nearly 11:30 pm, and I've got to get up around 5 am.)
Earlier this evening, I frogged a gray and red striped, ribbed scarf I started over the summer. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but I only had about 4 inches and no desire to continue.
I've been working on a cabled scarf for the past two and a half years now (yes, I'll admit I have a work in progress that old!). While the pattern doesn't really excite me anymore, it looks nice, and it's about half done. I couldn't bring myself to frog it, so I brought it out of hiding. I'm determined to finish it soon.
I also need to finish the Thuja socks I started for my sister's birthday. I'm suffering from that dreaded Second Sock Syndrome. And finish sewing together Norberta for The Girl's belated Christmas present. (I was a total failure at knitting this Christmas!)
I have several other projects in the works. For myself, I plan to knit a pair of Sideways Gloves, Odessa, and the Financially Challenged Person's Neckwarmer (love the name of that pattern!).
I also plan on knitting a small baby blanket for charity, the Regina scarf for my gram, Cinderella socks for my mom, a pair of Jaywalkers (yes, again!) for my sister (by request), short-row ankle socks for The Girl, and Pullover Flair (scroll down to see the pic) from Spring 2006 Interweave Knits for my sister. (After all my sister's been through in the last year, and after all she's done for me, she definitely deserves a sweater. She picked this one out herself.)
Like most knitters I know, I have many more projects I'd like to complete. I'll never finish them all. But at least I cleared out the ones wasting space--out with the old, in with the new!
I may be a total failure at decluttering the rest of my home, but I can take on the knitting basket. (And various bags. Have I mentioned how many knitting bags I have? Good, because you really don't want to know!)

the flair link seems to only show me fingerless gloves, yo!
anyways, good luck decluttering and getting back into the knitting swing.
I'm waiting on those book review posts you
Sorry. I gave the link to the pattern from Ravelry, which you can't access without a sign-in. My bad!
But I finally found the link from the magazine site and updated it in the blog post.
I'm still working on the book reviews. I will post them soon, I promise!
I see the flair now...woohoo it's this the one she wanted in that rose-like color?
Yup. And it will be similar to the color in the picture.
Bravo! What an accomplishment! To even have a LIST is a huge success! You're way ahead of me, I have no idea what I'm going to knit this year! (I just seem to collect more patterns anymore). I seem to be going the opposite direction for some reason, working on everything BUT knitting lately...
Except for socks, I want to finish at least one pair a month (doing my own sock club!);O) -
What are you using for the Thuja socks? I want to make some of those too (someday, LOL!). I love that sweater for your sis. It's gorgeous. All of your projects are. I can't wait to see it all this year!!! :)
Well, the only reason I know what I want to knit is because I need some winter things for myself, my family put in some requests when they were here recently, and I committed to knitting for the charity.
For the Thujas, I'm using Wool-Ease. They are thicker socks. I made my mom a pair a couple of years ago, and she loves them.
Thanks Anna! I have some Wool Ease in my stash! Whoohoo! Something I can use up! :)
Can't wait to see yours!
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