I'm a little late in posting today, but better late than never! And hey, there's still a couple hours left in the day, at least where I live.
Last week, my husband spent a lot of time shaking his head as he handed over my packages. I know he was thinking, "Where are we going to put all these books?" (I won't admit to him that I haven't the faintest idea either!)
Anyway, here's what came in my mailbox last week:
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards (contest win from FRESH INK BOOKS...thanks, Sandra!)
The Memorist and The Reincarnationist, both by MJ Rose (from the publisher for my TLC Book Tours stop on Nov. 19)
What Happy Parents Do: The Loving Little Rituals of a Child-Proof Marriage by Carol J. Bruess, Ph.D. & Anna D.H. Kudak, M.A. (from Jane Wesman Public Relations)
The Pages in Between: A Holocaust Legacy of Two Families, One Home by Erin Einhorn (from Jane Wesman Public Relations)
Mrs. Claus Explains It All by Elsbeth Claus (from Sourcebooks)
We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver (for the December book discussion at Everyday I Write the Book)
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker, Testimony by Anita Shreve, and The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks (all from the lovely Miriam Parker at Hachette Book Group USA...thanks Miriam!!)
I can't wait to read all these great books!!
What books did you snag last week?

Holy Cow lady, you've got your hands full!! Just popped in to take a quick look at your blog...you've been a BUSY lady!! Have fun with all of your new books!
Hi B! Great to see you on my blog! I have been busy, but I've never been happier! Thanks for entering my latest giveaways, and I hope you'll stop in again soon!
I don't know where to keep the books that keep piling in either, sadly. Oh well. No mail tomorrow!
Good luck reading all those. :)
A pretty good week for books, huh?
You got some good ones last week. The Mrs. Claus book looks like fun. Happy reading!
What a great week in books for you! *Little Giant ...* is on my wish list; I'll look forward to reading your review.
Looks like another great haul for you as well. I look forward to borrowing some of those. :)
wow, those sound like some great reads. I've been wanting to read The Memory Keepers Daughter.
enjoy :)
Amy: No mail...hubby's glad for that for sure!
Mari: Thanks! I keep telling myself it's a good think I like to read!
Bermudaonion: It looks great! My daughter is very excited about another review!
Dawn: I'll be reading Little Giant next month!
Serena: Is that all I'm good for?? Passing on books?? :P LOL
Naida: I'm looking forward to reading it, too!
Anna, I am so gemming over here. You got a whole pile of books that I really want to read and sadly don't have. lol. I have read The Memory Keeper's Daughter and loved it.
Dar: I was very lucky last week! Glad to hear you liked The Memory Keeper's Daughter. I'm lookin forward to reading it!
Anna, what a haul. You got some great ones from Miriam.
I too loved The Memory Keeper's Daughter. Can't wait to see what you think of it.
The Reincarnationist is one that I definitely want to read!
Ooh, there are a few on here that I've been meaning to read.
I won that Hatchette Spooktackular contest last week, I now have three copies of Dracula lol.
I'm really looking forward to The Little Giant of Aberdeen County. What a great stack of books!
Thank you for stopping by the 'mailbox' this week. I downloaded 'The Reincarnationist' to the Kindle and I'll be meeting you over at EDIWTB for book club. I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive.
I just LOVED "To My Senses" by Alexandrea Weis. It was one of the best books I read.
Shana: I sure did! Miriam's great! I probably won't get to read The Memory Keeper's Daughter until next year. (I can't believe next year is just around the corner.)
Cathy: I read The Reincarnationist earlier this year, and I really enjoyed it! I'll be reviewing it on the 18th in preparation for MJ Rose's tour stop here for The Memorist on the 19th.
Ladytink: Congrats on winning the spooktacular contest! I'm jealous!
Trish: Little Giant sounds like such a great book. I can't wait to clear out a few more books so I can read it.
Marcia: Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to your thoughts on The Reincarnationist.
J. Kaye: So glad to hear you liked To My Senses. I checked it out before I accepted the book from the author, and it sounds good!
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