Anyway...something very weird happened this weekend. I almost don't want to say anything for fear it will end, but last night my hubby and I were in a quiet living room (which never happens) and we were BOTH reading. He's so not a book person (I think he's read maybe 3 books during our 9 years together), but we went to the book store on Friday night (after going out to dinner to celebrate The Girl making the honor roll!) and he bought this book and has been glued to it ever since. If my hubby can't put it down I think I'll have to read it, too.
Well, enough babbling and on to Mailbox Monday (hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page), where we list the books we received in the mail or purchased during the last week. I wasn't really expecting anything at all, but a surprise package from Danielle Jackson at Sourcebooks certainly made my day! Here's what I received:
The Adventures of Songha: The Amazing Savannah Cat by Linda R. Caterine (I think I got this from Bostick Communications to read and review with The Girl)
Breathing Out the Ghost by Kirk Curnutt (from the author for a TLC Book Tours stop in January)
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (from Serena at Savvy Verse & Wit...thanks, Serena!!)
from Danielle at Sourcebooks (thanks, Danielle!!):
Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One by Sharon Lathan
Eliza's Daughter by Joan Aiken
Impulse & Initiative by Abigail Reynolds
WWII nonfiction, thanks to an awesome gift certificate from my dear friend Jeannie at I Like to Be Here When I Can (thanks, Jeannie!!):
The Gestapo: A History of Horror by Jacques Delarue
The Wolves at the Door: The True Story of America's Greatest Female Spy by Judith L. Pearson
Can't wait to get started on these! A big thanks to Marcia for hosting Mailbox Monday!
What did you receive last week??

I love seeing what everyone got. I think you got some good ones. Happy reading!
I want to get my hands on those WWII books! LOL I'm glad the hubby is reading...now if you could work on mine.
Bermudaonion: Thanks! I also enjoy reading everyone's Mailbox Mondays (even if it takes me a couple days to get through them all).
Serena: You certainly can borrow them when I'm done! I've decided that the best way to get my hubby to read is to let him stroll through the bookstore and try things out. He read the first chapter in the store, and it grabbed his attention right away. If I think of a way to get your hubby to read, I'll let you know. Don't think I'll be too much help, though.
Anna, hope you have a good vacation this week and congrats to The Girl for making the honor roll-that's awesome.
That sure is one good stack of books you got there. That should keep you busy for a while.
Dar: The Girl says thanks! I had a huge stack of books to keep me busy before this one. I guess I really didn't need anymore. ;)
Good books, Anna. Hope you get to settle in with them and relax a little. Take care of yourself first and your blog second- your blog fans will always be here.
P.S. You're very sweet- thank you!
The same thing happened with my husband this weekend. He most often reads message boards on his computer instead of books, but he snagged my copy of Hollywood Crows when it arrived this week and is about half way done with it. Yeah for reading hubbies! It also makes it easier to convince the kiddos to read even more.
I hope you enjoy The Historian. I know I did!
yay for The Historian. Happy reading, Anna! And have a great vacation :)
The Wolves at the Door sounds really interesting. I love spy stories.
Great week Anna! I have Songha, and I think it did come from Bostick.
:) Take care ~ Wendi
PS - I'll be watching for a review on the Darcy one!! I love the follow-up books to Pride and Prejudice!
Hope you like The Historian! I really enjoyed that one.
Jeannie: No, Thank YOU!! ;) I'm feeling better. I was really stuffy for a bit and was hoping it wouldn't get worse. I lucked out...who'd cook the Thanksgiving dinner if I was sick in bed?? Anyway, I've actually had a lot of reading time on my vacation so far. Just need to catch up in the blogs.
Janel: I'm lucky in that I don't have to convince my daughter to read. She's a total bookworm already! So glad she didn't take after hubby in that respect.
Cathy: It sounds like a great book! I won't get to it for a bit, but I'm looking forward to it.
Nymeth: Thanks! I really needed a sit-at-home-and-do-nothing vacation, and other than cleaning the house, I haven't done a whole lot. Yippee!
Alyce: I just bought another WWII spy book that I'll post in my next Mailbox Monday. I haven't read too many spy books, but I'm looking forward to these!
Wendi: I love P&P follow ups, too, and I can't wait to read this one!
Trish: I'm looking forward to reading it. I've heard good things about it.
Looks like you got some good ones! I really need to read The Historian one of these days.
Hope you manage to avoid getting sick. :)
Tanabata: I was very lucky! Just stuffy for one day, not sick! Thank goodness! I don't know when I'll get a chance to read The Historian, but I'm looking forward to that day! ;)
Okay, so you KNOW which ones sound good to me here. You got some great historical fiction and non-fiction this week. Way to go, Anna!
Hope u had FUN! and I thought u totally forgot my blog :)
Damn, u guys get so many books :)
Shana: I thought of you when I posted this!!
Veens: You know I couldn't forget about your blog! ;)
Thank you for stopping by the 'mailbox' this week. I also have a spouse that doesn't read much and almost never a novel. Last year on vacation he read one book (shocking!). This year he's taking 2 books and I'm taking 20. LOL
Marcia: Thanks for hosting Mailbox Monday! Wow, 20 books on vacation! That's pretty ambitous! ;)
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