But I did have a pretty good week book-wise, which brings me to yet another Mailbox Monday.
Here's what I received:
The Traitor's Wife by Susan Higganbotham (from Sourcebooks--I actually received two copies, so there will be a giveaway at some point in April)
The Four Corners of the Sky by Michael Malone (from Sourcebooks)
Willing Spirits by Phyllis Schieber (for a book tour next month)
Everyone Is Beautiful by Katherine Center (for a book tour next month)
Thanks to Marcia from The Printed Page for hosting Mailbox Monday! What books did you welcome into your home last week?

I'm looking forward to THE TRAITOR'S WIFE giveaway! :)
looks like a good week for books
Hi Anna, I hope you're feeling better this week and can enjoy your books. Looks like a good bunch.
Hope you're feeling better! All of these bugs are making the winter drag on even more.
hope you feel better soon.
enjoy your books, I also got The Traitor's Wife in the mail this week.
Hope you feel better soon! At least you have a lot of books to keep you occupied!
I'm sorry to hear that you're sick (but glad it's just a cold). I got The Four Corners of the Sky too, and it looks like a good one!
Hope you enjoy all your books. You do lots of tours!
I signed up for Phyllis's tour too, so I hope I get the book soon! Enjoy your books!
Looks like you'll be keeping busy! :-)
Nice list! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Spring is on its way, I can't believe February is almost over but better weather is coming and cold season will be behind you. I'm intrigued by The Four Corners book, I've seen it mentioned a couple of times now. I'll watch for your review. Take care of yourself.
Enjoy your books!!
My Amazon books have arrived. There is no room on the nightstand. :) Must stop buying new books!
Looks like we'll be reading a lot of the same books Anna. lol. The only one I didn't get and wanted was The Four Corners of the Sky but I was too late on that one. I can't wait to see what you'll think of it. Hope you're feeling better. I'm in the same boat-just can't seem to get rid of this nasty bug.
Julie: I'll be posting that in mid-April!
Serena: It was! Definitely a more manageable number.
Kaye: Thanks! I'm just starting to feel more like myself. Until the fog in my head clears, I'm sure I'll be reading slow.
Janel: Thanks! You're so right...I think this is the third time I've been sick this winter. Yuck!
Naida: Thanks! Looking forward to your review.
Jenners: So true! Too bad I was too sick to read during the worst of it.
Alyce: Can't wait to hear what you think of it!
Callista: I've actually cut down on the tours! LOL
Avisannschild: I'm looking forward to your tour date!
Marie: Always!
Bella Fox: Thanks! For once I'm not dramatically behind in blog reading.
Sandra: Thanks for the well wishes! It's about 60 degrees here today, so spring definitely is in the air!
Mari: Looking forward to hearing about what was in the box!
Dar: Not you, too! Hope you feel better soon. Too bad you didn't get the book. I hate when I miss the good ones.
Wow, Anna, you're the book tour queen! I was sick and did a lot of laying around but not much reading either! Too bad the two often seem inversely related.
~Shana: I sure hope you're feeling better by now! I've tried to cut down on the book tours, but sometimes I just can't help myself.
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