Lisa from Books and Cooks has given me the Friends award. Thanks you so much! I'm happy to call you my friend, too. :)

Lisa from Books on the Brain thinks my blog is fabulous. Thank you so much! I think yours is fab, too! :)

I received the You Don't Say -- Super Comments Award from Sheri of A Novel Menagerie and Valorie of A Morbid Romantic. Thank you! I enjoy your blogs very much.
Rather than pass these on -- I love so many blogs and bloggers that I don't know where to start -- I encourage you to visit these great blogs.
Okay, so here's the question. There's some confusion about about my review of The Spare Wife by Alex Witchel, which I posted yesterday. Apparently some people think I'm holding a giveaway, which I'm not. It's just a review with no giveaway mentioned at all, yet I'm receiving comments from people wishing to enter the giveaway. Is this spam? Just a mistake? Anyone else having this issue? I even stated that there is no giveaway -- in bold -- in the comments, and it hasn't cleared up the issue. I'm confused and hopefully someone might be able to shed some light on the situation. Thanks!

Congratulations on all your awards!
Congrats on your awards, and like I said I have no idea what these people are thinking.
Congratulations on your awards! I can't answer your question - that is so strange.
Interesting--maybe people are just making a bad assumption. Anyway, congrats on the awards.
Congrats on the awards Anna-you are very deserving of them. I understand feeling touched by awards. It's funny how it seems all of us never thought anyone would want to read our words and yet they do. It's really great.
As for the giveaway on Spare Wife---where are they getting that. I just read it this morning and I didn't see anything at all about a giveaway.
What? Weird, dunno what that is so.
Congrats on your wonderful awards :D
Congrats on your prizes.
I receive some comments that pass by the spam filters.
Just delete them!
Too funny about the contest entries! All my spam these days are in Russian - maybe they are trying to enter non-existent contests and I just don't know it.
Congrats on the awards!
You deserve each and every one of these awards! I could only hope I'd have accomplished what you have in two years' time!
I did not get the impression of a giveaway, so I'm not sure what is going on. I've not had any issues. I know that recently Carrie at Books and Movies had a weird comment (that I didn't understand and I questioned Carrie about) and she said it was some spam that got through and linked to an X-rated site...
Congrat on the awards. You deserve them. :)
Here's why they think it's a giveaway. If you Google The Spare Wife Giveaway.. your review comes up but it's picking up the giveaway post under your EVENTS section for The Traitor's Wife.
A big congrats on all your awards!! Awesome!
Just looked like a book review to me Anna. I can't see anything that gave the impression it was a give away!
Congrats on your awards (did you know that Blogger has a feature that will remember who your top commenters are?)
Weird about the non-giveaway. Maybe some blogger accidentally wrote a post about a giveaway for that book and posted the wrong link? Or maybe they just saw on your conest thingy: ~April 20: Interview with Susan Higginbotham, author of The Traitor's Wife (with giveaway!)
Congrats on those awards..love your blog and am always interested in what you have to say!
You are very deserving of your awards and I'm always interested in what you have to say! I've certainly learned a lot from all of the blogs I visit.
I'm not sure why people are sending so many posts about a contest but one thing that might confuse them at first is if this is part of a blog tour and some of the other ones are having giveaways they might assume you are having one too. The first time I visited blogs that were doing a tour I thought everyone did the contests. Once they got here and read your post I would think that would clear things up though. Maybe they'll all enjoy it so much they'll become new followers! :)
Congrats on the awards Anna! You are very deserving. That is very strange about the giveaway. I went and looked at the cooments and recognized 2 people who regularly enter my giveaways but they have never tried to enter a non-giveaway. LOL!
Congrats on the award.
The giveaway thing is really odd. Ti's answer make some sense, though.
Hello there .. And just wanted to say "I was here"
congrats on your Awards!!
Thanks everyone! I think Ladytink and Ti may be right. So I deleted all mention of upcoming giveaways in my events feature in the sidebar and I haven't had anymore entrants to the non-giveaway. But now that I said that...
I just want you to know that I think you deserve every award you get :)
Congratulations on your awards. It's so awesome to get recognized this way. And your blog is truly lovely.
Congrats on the awards - your blog is truly a lovely place to visit. Any you're a lovely person as well!
Wow, that is strange. Maybe people are so used to you having giveaways? Or maybe one person made the mistake and the other following people focused on that comment and the others soon after about a giveaway and assumed you were having one though the post never mentioned it? Very odd...
Corinne, lilly, and Luanne: Thanks so much! I appreciate your kindness.
Valorie: Maybe. Thanks for weighing in. Once I deleted all mention of upcoming giveaways in my sidebar, the mysterious entries stopped.
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