Friday, May 15, 2009

Giveaway: The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson

From the back cover:

Laurel Gray Hawthorne hasn't seen a ghost in the thirteen years she and her husband have lived in their beautiful gated community. Then, in the dog days of a Florida August, she wakes to find Molly, her daughter's best friend, standing by her bed, who then leads her to her own small body floating lifelessly in the Hawthornes' pool. Laurel's carefully constructed existence cracks, and the past seeps through...

Laurel and her sister, Thalia, grew up in what looked like a typical blue-collar home. But the Grays have long been hiding a skeleton in their closet. While Laurel built her "perfect" life, Thalia became an actress with a capital A, a woman who doesn't fit in Laurel's tidy world. Now Molly can't rest until someone learns her secrets. Laurel turns to her sister, and together they begin a journey that will unearth their family's history, the true state of Laurel's marriage, and what really happened to...the girl who stopped swimming.

I received a copy of The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson from Hachette Book Group, and they're generously offering 5 copies to my readers. This sounds like a great book, and I'm looking forward to reading it.

To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment on this post, along with your email address. Since the publisher is handling the shipping, this giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada addresses only, no P.O. boxes.

This giveaway will run until Sunday, May 24, at 11:59 pm EST.


Serena said...

I'd love to be entered for this book, and I've already popped it into the sidebar.

I think you know my

Sandy Nawrot said...

Please enter me! It sounds wonderfully creepy.

Bridget said...

No need to enter; just popping by to say I've posted this on Win A Book.

pamwax said...

Sounds like my kind of book. A little intrigue.

nfmgirl said...

Love it! Please count me in. Thanks so much!

KR said...

I'd love to add this to my summer reading stack!


Nikki in Niagara said...

Please enter me! My email is in my profile. Thanks!

teabird said...

Intriguing - by all means, count me in!

teabird 17 AT yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Looks like an interesting book. Please add my name to your draw. Thanks.

Lisa said...

Please enter me! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I too am throwing my name into the hat. Thanks for the giveaway.


Lenore Appelhans said...

I've seen this around so much that I feel like I am the only one who hasn't read it!

My e-mail is in my profile.

Literate Housewife said...

I've been trying to win this novel for a while now. I've got my fingers crossed. I'd love to read it with you.

Esme said...

This book sounds great.

Staci said...

Please don't enter me Anna as I already won this book but I wanted to let you know that I'm looking forward to reading this one too!!

Lori L said...

OH! I'd love to win a copy!

Katrina said...

I would love to win this book, it sounds so good.

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

minishoes1 said...

I have been wanting to read this for a long time! I am crossing my fingers! thanks

CherylS22 said...

Please count me in - Thanks!


Annie1 said...

I would love to win and read this book!

Thanks very much!

Linda said...

Sounds like a very intriging plot. Please count me in.

windycindy said...

Hello! I have read so many wonderful reviews about this book. I do believe in spirits and that there is a very fine line between the veil of life and death. These characters and the story line interest me very much. Please add my name to your delightful book drawing.
Many thanks, Cindi

Tammy Duncan said...

Sounds like an intriguing book. Please enter me in the giveaway.

Pixie said...

This book sounds really good I would love to be entered in the contest

Eva said...

I've loved her first two books! So of course I'm itching to read this one as well. :) E-mail: astripedarmchairATgmailDOTcom

Cookie said...

Please enter me! I would love to read this book!


Keyo said...

aah.. anna..i so want to be a lucky winner! pls count me in.

tea said...

I would love to win "The Girl Who Stopped Swimming" by Joshilyn Jackson.

Anonymous said...

I just tripped on to your blog. I'll be back and I'll leave my e-mail for the giveaway.

L said...

Sounds like a great book. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

I've seen so much on this book that I would LOVE to read it!

MarionG said...

I'd love to read this. I've been hearing a lot of good things about it. Thanks for the giveaway.
polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail Dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd like a chance as well :)

Love the premise

jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

Renee G said...

I've been wanting to read this.

LoveMyCoffee said...

I'd love to be entered for this book. Thank you.

Dutchlvr1 )at (

Jblanton said...

I would love to read this book have been reading good reviews about it

Jennai said...

I've read so many reviews on this that now I have to read it!! Please enter me.
HobartsMama AT

Anna said...

This contest is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. I'll announce the winners soon.