I received only a few review books in the mail this week, and one was a complete surprise. The others I bought using some Amazon gift certificates I've had for a while.
Here's what I received for review:

The Desert Baron by Conrad Crease (from the author).
Baron Friedrich Kress von Kressenstein played a big role in crushing Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, so this sounds interesting.

The Sky Rained Heroes by Frederick E. LaCroix (from Merritt Talbott at Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists)
I couldn't pass up what sounds like another great WWII book!

When You Went Away by Michael Baron (from Joan Schulfafer Publishing & Media Consulting)
This one was a complete surprise. Not sure if it's something I would have chosen on my own, but I'll give it a shot.
Here's what I bought with my Amazon certificates (2 for me and 2 for The Girl):

Bloody Awful by Georgia Evans
I must finish this WWII paranormal trilogy. This is book 2.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith
Not sure what I'll think of this one, but it sounds like fun. There are some interesting drawings throughout.

The Dinosaur Museum by the National Geographic Society
The Girl was sold the minute she found out there was a pop-up T-Rex. Ever since she first discovered dinosaurs, she's wanted to be a paleontologist. Not sure how long that'll last, but she added this one to her huge collection of dinosaur books.

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life by Rachel R. Russell
When The Girl saw that this was similar to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, she started reading it right away. So far, she loves it. Hopefully, I can get her to write up a review...and then I think I'll read it myself.
What books did you welcome into your home recently?

looks like some great buys and some nice surprises in the mailbox. Can't wait to see what the girl thinks of the dork diaries.
A pop-up T-Rex? I have a 7 year old who would give his right arm for a book with that in it. Will have to investigate for Christmas gifting purposes! And I think my girl would like The Dork Diaires too. You'll have to report back on what The Girl thinks of it.
Oooohhhh! I want the Pride and Predjudice and Zombies! I'm always up for a zombie story!
Looks like you got yourself some great books too! I just recieved Pride Prejudice and Zombies last week from a friend. I'm hoping I enjoy you, hope you do too!
Great selection of books - Bloody Awful looks interesting. Is it an adult series or YA?
You can view my Mailbox Monday HERE
You've got some great books!! Have fun and have a great week.
I also have an award for you too
Natalie :0)
wow, great books in the mail for you and the girl! happy reading :)
P&P and zombies! So jealous right now.
I can't wait to see what you think
Zombies looks great! I'm glad you got Dork Diaries too. Looking forward to the review.
Oh what a great selection of books this week, I hope you enjoy reading all of them! :)
I would love to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but I would have to read the original first! ;)
Hi Anna, hey, you never know with those surprise books. Sometimes they are really good. I think Dork Diaries is a cute, fun read and I think kids would love it. Have a great week. Thanks for visiting today.
Nothing in the mail for me this week (which is fine!). I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of P&P&Z. Happy reading!
We didn't get a single book in common. It looks like you got plenty to read for the WWII challenge.
I'll be looking forward to your review of the Georgia Evans book. I'm not really sure if I'll continue with the series so I'm curious to hear what you think. Enjoy your new books!
Daniel is reading P&P and Zombies right now and laughs at regular intervals. Must be good!
Nice variety - enjoy!
I hate that Zombies cover, I cringe every time I see it!
I saw that Baron's book, it is something I would enjoy but just wouldn't get to it for quite awhile so I had to pass ;(
It looks like an interesting read!
I wish my kids were into dinos; that T Rex book looks KEWL.
Bloody Awful sounds bloody good!!! I remember reading your review of #1 and I thought it sounded interesting. I ordered Dork Diaries for my middle school library. Hope the Girl enjoys it!!
That P&P Zombie book's cover always makes me laugh! When You Went Away looks great to me and right up my reading alley... I will be checking to see if my library gets it in.
Great week! I never had much interest in war stories until last year when I read a couple of great ones. Now I'm on the lookout. I'm curious to see what you think of Bloody Awful. What a great combination! I'm looking forward to the Girl's reviews too!
You really gor some interesting books. Such diverse books. Have a great reading week ahead!
I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies right now. It's fun. My daughter's with yours on the paleontologist thing. She just finished a week long Dinotopia Day Camp at the Pittsburgh museum. She's been in love with dinosaurs since she was like 3 and she's 9 now.
what lovely books. I am jealous of your Pride and Prejudice and Zombies book. I hope you enjoy all the books. And yes, I'm jealous of Dork diaries too :)
Great stuff Anna! Dork Diaries is great-can't wait to hear what you both think about it. I've got the Zombie book too, not sure what I'll think of it either.
Great selection of books Anna!
The Sky Rained Heroes looks really good. I'll have to wish list that one. I checked it out on Amazon. 'Thanks. :)
That's a terrific stack o'books. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews, especially Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by my mailbox!
Carolyn: Bloody Good, Bloody Awful, and Bloody Right are definitely adult books. I've only read Bloody Good so far, and there were some pretty explicit sex scenes.
That's an amazing collection of books! Happy reading!
Thanks, Nicola!
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