I'd like to thank Alan for taking time out of his busy schedule to answer my questions. The Spies of Warsaw was my first time reading a WWII spy novel, and it won't be my last. I look forward to reading more of his work in the future.
The interview is posted on my Examiner page, and you can read it by clicking here. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Speaking of The Spies of Warsaw, I think it's about time I announced the winner of the book giveaway. Congratulations to Linda! I'll be sending along your copy soon.
(Author photo credit: Shonna Valeska)

Congrats :)
Nice interview
Furst also has a very cool interview he did for Google I think on You Tube. You really get a sense of his personality. I liked your interview! This was a great book, and I appreciated his attention to the details. When I saw this on Dorothy's blog tour list, I begged to be included. How can I pass up WWII and Poland???
Congrats to Linda! I will check out the interview after I get some work done:(
Congratulations Linda! I left a comment on the interview on your Examiner page.
Excellent interview!!
Great interview. Congrats to the winner.
Great interview.
Keep it up.
Congrats to Linda (and boo-hoo, guess I'll have to buy my own copy, LOL).
Come over to my blog-I have an award for you.
xo E.
Thanks everyone!
Sandy: I'll have to check out the YouTube interview. I couldn't pass the tour up either. :)
Esme: Thanks! That's so nice of you!
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