After a relaxing, lazy Sunday, I'm well-rested this Monday morning, but always unhappy to see the weekend come to a close. The one bright spot today is
Mailbox Monday (hosted by Marcia from
The Printed Page), which invites bookish folk to share the titles that arrived in their homes over the past week, whether by mail, library, or book store.
I have a lot of books to show you all today, but this is a couple weeks' worth, as last Monday I was just getting back from vacation and too tired to go online. I've pretty much stopped accepting review copies, so the Mailbox will soon be bare. I still plan to go to library sales, though. I can't resist those. Anyway, here are the books I recently welcomed into my home and onto my sagging shelves:
Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch (from
Random House for an upcoming
TLC Book Tour)
The Widow's Season by Laura Brodie (from the author and
Up for Renewal: What Magazines Taught Me About Love, Sex, and Starting Over by Cathy Alter (from PR consultant Minjae Ormes)
Bundle of Trouble: A Maternal Instincts Mystery by Diana Orgain (from author)
Bending Toward the Sun: A Mother and Daughter Memoir by Leslie Gilbert-Lurie with Rita Lurie (from
FSB Associates)
A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi (from the author)
Searching for Pemberley by Mary Lydon Simonson (from
The 13 Days of Halloween by Carol Greene and Tim Raglin (illus.) (from
The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood (from
Doubleday/Random House via
Shelf Awareness)
Mercury in Retrograde by Paula Froelich (from
Atria Books)
Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner (from
Atria Books)
Homer & Langley by E.L. Doctorow (surprise ARC from
Random House)
Emma by Jane Austen (contest win from
One Person's Journey through a world of Books)
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult (contest win from
One Person's Journey through a world of Books)
The Secret Keeper by Paul Harris (contest win from
Savvy Verse & Wit)
Crack of Doom by Willi Heinrich (a WWII book someone left behind in the train station in the free book area).
My Secret War Diary: My History of the Second World War 1939-1945 by Flossie Albright by Marica Williams (
The Girl's birthday gift from
Serena and her hubby)
The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones (Book One) by Rick Riordan (
The Girl's birthday gift from
Serena and her hubby)
Well, I better get reading then.
What books did you add to your shelves recently?
Holy Mailbox! You got a ton of great books. Where are you going to start? Have a great week and happy reading with all your new books. My Mailbox is here
looks like you got a great two week's worth of books there and I'm glad the girl's books made it on the list, though no mention of the Edward stuff?!
Amazing mailbox, Austen books and another interesting picks :D
Happy reading
You have some good ones!! I want to read Best Friends Forever. Bending Toward the Sun sounds like something I would enjoy, too. :)
Happy Reading!
Books galore for you Anna! Enjoy all of your new stuff.
Holy cow! You scored this week. I'm dying to read Circle of Souls and Best Friends. Can't wait to here about them.
(BTW, what *is* you secret in getting such well-rounded review books from publishers? I'm jealous!)
Wowza! What a week you had! Happy reading, I'm looking forward to your reviews!
You can see my Mailbox here!
I envy you.
Not really!!
Mondays: Musings/Whereabouts
Wow!! You're mailbox was full of goodies this past week!! Enjoy!
My goodness, that is a lot of books. I also have A Circle of Souls to read. Enjoy them all.
Circle of Souls has the kind of cover that just seems like it would be good. I have The Time of My Life and The Year of the Flood and am looking forward to reading both of them.
How do you take all this in and not feel overwhelmed? OMG! I did receive The Widows Season, and recently read Carrie's (Books and Movies)glowing review. I'm excited to read it!
I am so jealous over the Atwood book. Happy that you have it, but jealous that I don't ;)
Oh wow - great stuff! I am doing the TIME OF MY LIFE tour too.
Your mailbox was overflowing! I have a few of the books you got. The Widow's Season looks really interesting. I got a new book for the WWII challenge today.
That Up For Renewal looks very interesting. I'd love to review it on my book blog!
Gezzzzz...lucky girl; look at all those great titles. WOW
Good Lord you had a full mailbox! What a diverse bunch of books! I'm craving the new Jennifer Weiner -- I bet that one is going to be good!
I just got Time of My Life for TLC too! I can't wait to read it!
I see a few I have to check out! Great haul this week Anna! ;)
Wow, you've got some reading fun ahead of you for sure! Great mailbox this week.
wowwwwwwwww! jeez! I am envious :D
Hi Anna...I just realized you knit. Where have I been looking. I also knit. Your list looks strangely like books I would read. I have the Atwood, I did a review for a magazine on The Secret Keeper...I think I posted it on my blog. I liked it. I also have the Widow Season. It will be interesting to compare thoughts.
Enjoy your many new books. :)
wow, thats alot of great books!!
happy reading :O)
we have some books in common.
Wow, whatta lotta books!! Glad to see Time of My Life arrived. Also hope you like The Secret Keeper, which was on tour with us in June. I bet The Girl will love 39 Clues.. mine did!
Holy Smokes, Anna, you do have a load full of reading ahead of you! I'm looking forward to reading your reviews on many of those. Especially of interest is Time of Your Life.
Such a long list of great sounding books! A Circle of Souls sounds so good. I can't wait to read it. I hope you enjoy The Secret Keeper as much as I did.
Have a great week, Anna, and enjoy your new books!
What a great week in books for you! I hope that you enjoy reading every one of them! :)
Fantastic Mailbox. ENJOY!!! Just in this list I think there is oogles of entertainment.
Wow! thats a nice list. Happy reading!
What a great list. Enjoy your books.
My goodness, that is some list of books! Looks like a lot of good ones too. I've got a few of those too or should be getting them.
Thanks for stopping by my box. I am now reading P&P by Austen for the first time, so your two Austen-related books caught my eye!!
And I wanted to say that I also have put a self-imposed ban on requesting ARC's for August. So far so good. But I know I will still have a few dripping in from previous requests so my mailbox should not be bare for another few weeks.
But I am just so bogged down and I can't get a handle on it anymore that I have to feel like I am accomplishing something someday when I finally only have 2 books on the ARC stack I will be happy. But I have about 20 right now. !!
Nice haul! I think that The Widow's Season sounds awesome!
Wow - you have some excellent choices!
Wow! You were lucky this week! I'm jealous you got the new Jennifer Weiner book. She's one of my favorites.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by my mailbox! Good thing I love to read, huh? ;)
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