I also set up an interview with Penelope Holt, and I was surprised and delighted that she answered my questions so quickly! It has been a pleasure corresponding with her via e-mail. I applaud her for tackling a subject that's not easy, and as I said in my review, I think she did a good job in taking a more balanced approach to the story.
My interview with Penelope is on my Examiner page. Click here to read it.

wonderful penelope holt and herman rosenblat video on youtube:
I will check out the interview
i just noticed this on the gawker site. i wont read this. link:
This book is on my wish list!
Good post-the book has stirred some controversy. Do not read it then is my suggestion.
~Anonymous: Thanks for the link.
~Serena: Thanks!
~Anonymous: Thanks for the link.
~Gautami: I hope you get a chance to read it. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
~Esme: That's what I say! If it's too controversial for you, just don't read it. Personally, I like reading the controversial books (well, not all of them, of course) just to see what the fuss is all about!
not controversial. its just wrong to profit off this. shame on her and him. greed no no limits.
this book is not for me. is seems the writer is just a public relations person! trying to make us feel bad for that liar rosenblat!
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