Remember this picture? 9 years later, it's pretty much the same. We're exhausted much of the time and cranky sometimes. But at least we're still happy and in love. Oh, The Girl is a lot older and finding new ways to cause us grief, but I still haven't found any gray hairs, so that's good.
I just want you to know that the last 9 years have been great. We've had our ups and downs, our struggles, our arguments, but I don't regret anything. Sure, there are days I wish I'd married a millionaire, but I don't hold that against you. LOL Seriously, you're a wonderful husband and father. You take an interest in my hobbies (I still can't believe you joined the book club, but I'm thrilled!) and you listen to me blab (on and on and on) about books and blogging. I think you tune me out sometimes, but that's okay because I should have learned over the last 9 years not to talk when the Red Sox or Patriots are on. (Sorry!) Most of the time, you pause the television to hear what I have to say, and you support my book obsession by handing me cash and sending me off to the library sales. (Or is that just your way of getting us out of the house so you can play video games?)
Most importantly, you put family first. And you notice when I'm not myself and try to cheer me up. And because of all these wonderful things about you, I've almost forgotten the time you bought me rice cakes (blech!) for a snack when you ate the Snickers bar. Or the time you whined about waiting on me when I had the stomach flu, and then you caught it and expected me to wait on you. I'll pretend those things never happened if you pretend I never nag...and you put your dirty socks in the hamper.
You thought it was funny when my dad said he'd give you a sympathy card on our wedding day. After 9 years, I'm sure you know what my dad was talking about. But unless you plan on sleeping on the couch for the rest of your life, you'll keep your thoughts on that to yourself. :)
I still think we're perfect for each other. Happy anniversary!

AW, ain't that sweet!
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on your anniversary, Anna! Such a sweet post! :)
Happy Anniversary! You got married on a great day - my parents are celebrating 59 years together today. I hope you have many more years of happiness together.
Happy anniversary!
Aw! Have a happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!
Congrats! I am just impressed at the thought of your sig other even READING your blog. Mine hasn't ever and probably couldn't even tell you the name of it.
It sweet to think that that is The Girl too. We hear so much about her and to think that she was ever that itty bitty... awwww.
Aww, that's awesome, Anna. Happy anniversary.
You are precious! And I love that picture. Happy 9th, and here's to many many more!
That was the most adorable tribute I've ever read. Congrats on your anniversary!
I hope you enjoy your very special day. Congratulations to you both!
Happy Anniversary! My goodness, that baby has grown up :)
Anna, I enjoyed reading this. One of best anniversary post I have read.
And may you have many many more and may I read something on similar lines each year.
I love this! So real--it's all about the ups and downs and being together. Congrats!
Happy Happy Anniversary Anna!!
You guys look so sweet! I hope it was a wonderful day and you got waited on by your sweet hubby! (He's still a work in progress but just keep at it! LOL!) ;O) Here's to many more years of happiness and love.
Cheers and Well Wishes Always!
That is so sweet, Anna! Happy Anniversary!
What a great letter to your hubby and Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! Love to hear about people still in love. =)
What a sweet message, Anna! Happy anniversary to you and yours.
Happy Anniversary!
Oh Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!! That was a darling tribute!
9 Years :) That's Great! Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a great time!
Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating. :)
So cute! Happy anniversary to you guys - wishing you much love for many years to come :)
Happy Anniversary to you, Anna and Jerry!
I'm late but awww...that post is sooo funny and mushy at the same time. Happy Anniversary Anna, may you celebrate many more.
Awww... what a great post! Happy anniversary!
SO SWEET! Congratulations on your anniversary!
I don't know how I missed this sweet post. Happy Anniversary, a little late.
My wishes come late, but I hope you had a wonderful anniversary, Anna!
Thank you everyone!
We had a very low-key anniversary, as we had to make some unexpected car repairs. He bought me some roses and I made dinner for us and The Girl. When we get some extra funds, I found a cool-looking restaurant in D.C. and hope to have a date night!
~bermudaonion: A very belated happy anniversary to your parents!
~Ti: My husband asked me to have my posts automatically e-mailed to him. I can't tell you whether he reads them all, but once in a while he'll mention that he read a certain review. Believe me, I'm always shocked when he does read it. LOL
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