I'm wondering if the universe is mad at me. First, two unauthorized charges on our debit card and a day on the phone with the bank. Now this. If I can make it home this afternoon without being squished into a seat on the train next to someone who chews gum like a cow and sings like those bad American Idol try-outs, I should consider myself lucky. (Seriously, I think that girl likes to sit next to me in the mornings just to make me so annoyed I can't read.)
Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend! I guess I can look at it this way...less time online means more time with my nose in a book, right?
Oh, and before I forget, please stop by my Examiner page and read my interview with Douglas W. Jacobson, author of Night of Flames, one of the best books I've read this year!

I hope the computer issues get worked out...I hope you made your fantasy football picks too
I hope it gets better. Have a good weekend.
Computer problems are no fun at all. I sure hope you can get the situation taken care of soon.
Oh, and I hope that person does not sit next to you on the train again. You must have a friendly face. No one ever sits next to me if I don't want them too. Ha!
I'm sorry to hear that you're having a bad day! Hoping that your computer problem gets fixed soon- my hard drive crashed a while ago and I was going nuts without it!!
How horrible to have an attack on your computer AND your credit card! Sounds like a great big chocolate moment to me! (which occurred to me because I wanted to run for the chocolate even READING what happened to you!) I hope things get better soon!!!!!
It seems everyone is having troubles getting to their blogs right now... torn off toe nail, tooth extractions,....
computer viruses... you take care...
Oh man, that really bites. When something happens to my computer, I lose my mind. I can almost feel my energy being sucked out of me when people mess with my routine.
And boo to the cud-chewing cow that sit next to you on the train. Maybe you should start hacking and sniffling like you have swine flu...
I hope everything gets better! I hate gum chompers and gum snappers. I usually give them my look of death. Try ear plugs or ipod
ugh...computer issues, it drives me crazy, reminds us how much our life is dependent on it.
I hope it gets sorted out soon and I hope you enjoy your time off.
Hope things are better today Anna. Computer woes are terrible, but the bank stuff is scary...
I hope things get better Anna. Scary stuff with the bank. I'm having computer woes as well. My newer computer fizzled out and I have to get on the phone for that one but luckily I still have my old one to use.
There is nothing I hate more than computer problems! If I have one it just sort of ruins my day until I can get it figured out. But, I did go a weekend where I was away and without internet access and it was awesome to recharge. So, I hope you get to recharge, not feel frustrated :)
That's too bad that your computer is acting up! I hope it gets fixed soon!
Sorry to hear about your computer problems - that stinks!!
Oh I am sorry, Anna. Please remember that I hold two computer degrees. If you have a question, shoot it my way. Ugh...wish I were there to help you.
Your debit card too??? Hope the bank will reimburse you the money that the bad guy spent. :(
I miss you and I'm thinking of you! (((HUGS)))
Eeks. Hope everything works out. ((HUGS))
Things have to go up from here! I've been out of town for a few days and as soon as I'm through scanning through my reader, I'm going to hit "mark all as read." Sometimes you just have to start from scratch.
Sometimes it seems like the universe is ganging up on you, doesn't it? I hope it's getting better and the computer is easily (and cheaply) fixed.
Argh! The computer issues suck!
And i am sorry you can't be around.. but do have a great week!
Oh Anna, I hope everything gets sorted out and wishing you a nice, peaceful ride on the bus!
You guys are the best. Thank you all for wishing me well. You certainly cheered me. The computer is working okay again, and we FINALLY got our money reimbursed. It was a pain in the butt, but thankfully it all worked out.
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