I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, and I appreciate you stopping by my blog while I was resting. I got a lot of reading and napping done, despite the fact that much of my vacation was spent taking care of a sick husband. He's fine now, and I'm thankful that no one else in the house caught his germs.
Anyway, it's that time again. Yup, it's Mailbox Monday, the weekly meme hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page where book lovers list the books they received for review, purchased, or otherwise obtained in the last week.
Here's what I received:
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford for an upcoming TLC Book Tour. I'm so excited to finally be reading this book. It's been on my to-read list for months now!
Thursday Night Widows by Claudia Pineiro. This was an unsolicited review copy, which I will be passing on to my mother. This is more her type of book than mine, and she said that she'd share her thoughts with me when she's done so I can post them here to share with all of you. (I guess I'm trying to get the whole family into book reviewing. Not sure how successful this venture will be. LOL)

Good luck getting mom to share her thoughts in a review. I look forward to it.
Nice on the first one, it had been on my list too :)
Welcome back :)
I've heard only good things about Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet...enjoy!
Nice mailbox! I've also been wanting to read Corner of Bitter and Sweet too! Looking forward to your review!
Glad your husband is feeling better - we've got germs running around here too!
Have a great week Anna!
Hey, that's what the "mark all as read" button is for. Sorry to hear your hubby was sick.
I got Thursday Night Widows too.
I enjoyed The Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter and Sweet. Happy reading!
I really need to read "Hotel".
I think you'll love Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I'm almost done reading it!
Welcome back!
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet sounds excellent. Will look forward to your review!
I try to get my whole family in on reviewing, but none of them are interested but me! My mom gave it a try but quickly realized she preferred reading without any sort of pressure.
Glad your husband is feeling better! Mine was sick last weekend. Seems like there are a lot of bugs going around.
Good to have you back. And take your time catching up with us!
Thank you all! I'm still hopelessly behind, but I'll catch up eventually. Thanks for being so understanding. :)
I'm glad you had a nice blogging break and a joyous Thanksgiving.
No shame in doing the 'mark all as read' when you need to (hmmm, am I saying that to justify the fact that I did the same thing on Sunday?!?)
~Dawn: Thanks for making me feel better about it. I guess that's what the button's for, LOL! I'll probably have to use it again with all the holiday preparations keeping me away from the computer...
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