First, I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. You all made my day! And thanks to my husband for holding a small gathering for me over the weekend, Serena and her husband for the awesome bookish gifts (the Jane Austen action figure rocks!), and to The Girl for making sure I didn't have to do any housework on Monday and could put my feet up with a book after I came home from work. You are all awesome!
Second, I just want to let you all know that I still don't have an Internet connection at home, so it remains to be seen how often I'll be able to post here or when I'll have time for blog reading and commenting. I'll do my best to stay current, though, but please forgive me if I'm MIA -- which will be the case when I'm on vacation next week. Well, at least I can count on more reading time, since my vacation will consist of me sitting at home and relaxing.

Those of you still planning to complete the World War II reading challenge by the end of the year should consider Napoli's books. They are quick reads, with plenty of action and emotion to hold your attention at a time of year when everything is hectic. (I can't believe that I'm going to have to start Christmas shopping soon. Where has the year gone?)
Have a great day, everyone!

Sorry I missed sending you a birthday greeting. Happy Belated Birthday. Sounds like you had a good one!
You sound just like Carl. He has next week off, so this week is just dragging by for him. He definitely has ants in his pants.
I can imagine how anxious you must be to be on vacation with this hell week at work. I wish you loads of reading time, though I'll miss you at the office!
The week would be dragging fir me too. Glad you had a great birthday celebrations. Sounds like a lot of fun.
The kids are home all next week, so my life will not be its normal routine. I wonder how much of anything will get done? I was wondering...are you and Serena going to another war challenge next year? Any idea what war?
I enjoy these "random" posts so much! My comments, too, will be on the random side.
Happy belated birthday!
How will you fare without an internet connection at home? There are always internet cafés, if need be.
I will visit your author interview next. I also have an author interview at present on my blog.
Enjoy your vacation, Anna. :)
time always moves slowly before vacation...Have a great time!
Have a great vacation Anna! I hope you get some rest and get a chance to get some reading done! hahahahahahaha! Just kidding! ;O) Enjoy!!
Have a great time off and don't worry about bloggerville!!
Enjoy your vacation! Sounds relaxing.
I'm glad you had such a great birthday!
I hope you have a great vacation, Anna!
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I've given you an award here:
OH! did I miss wishing you a Happy Birthday? Happy Birthday, Anna! hope you had a great day.
I've been a bit absent in blogland lately so happy late birthday!! And I hope you have a great vacation ... it think everyone needs some time off every now and then.
Thank you, everyone! The birthday wishes mean a lot to me. And the vacation was so relaxing, but the coming back to all the catch up...not so much!
~Haleyknitz: Thanks so much for the award. It means a lot to me. :)
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