Thanks to Serena and her trusty camera, we have photos! Here are those Christmas sugar cookies that I helped The Girl bake and she kicked me out of the kitchen so she could decorate all by herself:
And here she is posing with her Twilight goodies:
She had a wonderful day, until evening rolled around. She didn't want to eat dinner and complained that she had a tummy ache. She ended up with a 102 fever, and I laid with her on the couch and rubbed her back until she fell asleep...which was not until the wee hours of the morning. Thankfully, she woke up feeling much better...but today I was the sick one. I'm coming down with some kind of cold, and if I could only breathe, then things would be great.
Anyway...We welcomed a ton of new DVDs into our home, and I spent nearly all day curled on the couch sniffling and watching movies. The Girl and I gave Jerry all 6 of the Harry Potter movies, and we watched The Sorcerer's Stone. Then we watched Inkheart, which Serena and Cris gave to The Girl along with Coraline. This evening, Jerry and I watched Inglourious Basterds, which was one of his gifts to me. Serena and Cris gave me three other WWII movies, which I can't wait to watch: Defiance, Miracle at St. Anna, and Valkyrie, which we saw together in the theater. (Thanks, guys!)
Oops...just realized it's after midnight and I probably should get some sleep. So tell me, did Santa get you everything you asked for? Spending the day with people I love was all I wanted, and everything else was icing on the cake.

Hey Anna! Thanks for the thoughtful comments you left me about my father and the virtual hugs!
I am so glad to see you had a good Christmas and that the Girl is feeling better. My boyfriend's son had a bad fever like that on Christmas Eve but is feeling better now, too. I hope you join them soon!
I was very happy and surprised to get a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. I love it. I can do more on the Wii Fit than I can in real life because of the fibromyalgia- ski jumps, hula hoop, rolling down the river in a bubble...haha But it is a lot of fun. I can't wait to try some more tomorrow!
I have meant to watch Valkyrie and Defiance. Perhaps during the holidays.
Hope you're feeling better soon, getting sick at this time is never fun
So sorry that the flu bug has hit your house, but glad that you have some great DVDs to help pass the time.
Hope you can breathe freely soon, and enjoy the rest of the holiday.
Sounds like you had a great time, although I'm sorry your daughter got sick..and you too.
My day was a quiet one with my dogs and a good book.
Feel better :)
sounds like a movie packed weekend. Hmm, waiting for the book list! LOL
I hope you feel better for Monday! I haven't been feeling well either...but I think that's the cold that is expected when the temperature gets all wacky here.
Bummer to be under the weather but it sounds like you had a great Christmas despite the cold/flu. Cute Christmas cookies, bet they taste as good as they look!
The cookies that the girl made are adorable (and definitely look good enough to eat!!!) I'm hoping that you're feeling better soon- colds are horrible, especially at this time of year when we have so much running around to do!
Merry Christmas to you!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with the family! I love the cookies- so cute. Very nice job icing them. I got everything I needed for Christmas- my husband and family :-) And everything I wanted, too! :-)
Sounds like a great Christmas. I loved making and decorating cookies with my family, too. Good flicks to watch there. Defiance was one of my favorite films from last year. I still think about it from time to time. Happy Sunday!
Great picture of The Girl! I'm glad you all had a lovely Christmas before the illnesses set in!
Take care of yourselves over there. You've got lots of awesome stuff to play with.
So many people were sick this Christmas! Terrible. And yet a big Yay for Inglourious Basterds. Wonderful!
I think we are living parallel lives Anna! We've had colds and intestinal issues going around here, but it hasn't stopped us from watching a million different movies! Hey, love The Girl's cookies! Nice decorating!
Glad to see you had such a good day! I know spending it with Serena was fun. We had a nice, quiet Christmas and Santa was good to all of us.
Excellent Christmas except for the illness. Hope you're both on the mend. The Christmas cookies are beautiful, and I'm salivating. We've already finished ours off, and I wanted at least one more. *sigh*
Uh-oh. Hope you're all feeling better soon. Santa gave me a ton of gift cards so I'm not complaining too much :)
The Girl's cookies look wonderful! Maybe you have a future Ace of Cakes on your hands :)
Hope both of you are feeling better!!
The Girl did a great job on the cookies! I hope the New Year is full of good health for your family! It's no fun to be sick during the holidays. Rest up and enjoy the movies and the family!
Those cookies are awesome! Much better than I can do - I'm crap at decorating cookies. Great job!
The cookies look great! I'm sorry to hear that you guys came down with some sort of sickness though! I hope you feel better soon.
My husband got the third Harry Potter movie for Christmas, so we watched that last night.
MMM, those sugar cookies look delicious!
I hope you feel better :( It's no fun getting sick around the holidays, that's for sure. At least you have a ton of awesome movies to watch!
Oh the girl looks too cute! Save some of those cookies for us ;)
I'm sorry you are now feeling poorly. Rest up and hope the cold goes away soon. Enjoy all of your goodies!
Looks like you had a good Christmas, with nice goodies, but more importantly, nice time with loved ones. I hope everyone feels better soon!
Laura Hartness
The Calico Critic
Cute pictures of the girl's cookies and her Twilight stuff! You can definitely tell she's a team edward girl! Hopefully you're all on the mend...those movies are the perfect thing to chill out with when you're feeling crummy. I'm fighting a cold so understand!
Hope everyone is feeling better!! The Girl's cookies look great!!
We didn't exchange gifts with too many folks this year but the time spent with loved ones has been great. I have another week off and I am going to make the most of each day.
I'm sorry the Girl fell ill and that you followed but there's something comfy about being able to sit and watch movies when you are sick.
I'm glad the Girl feels better and that you had a nice holiday. My daughter got sick Wednesday, early in the morning, was better on Christmas Eve, when I promptly got sick, so I can sympathize.
Santa was pretty good to you. I got a lot of lovely gifties this year both book related and not. My lovely hubby and parents went together and bought me a new SLR digital camera body (my old one died a terrible death) so I am a pretty happy girl. Now I just have to get a lens or two to make it functional. Gives me a kick that none of them knew enough about cameras to know it came without a lens. ;-)
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas Anna! The cookies The Girl decorated are adorable. Not good that you both weren't feeling good though. I hope both of you are much better now.
I LOVE The Girl without her front teeth! Kiddo is missing one of his as well. ;)
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on MIRACLE AT SANTA ANNA - I loved it so much that I added the book to my TBR list; I hope to read it sometime this year.
Like your sugar cookies, especially that one in the background decorated with a kind of glittery swish :) And how lucky of you to get a shiny new laptop for pre Christmas. Sorry you've been ill though, winter is so not the best time to have major celebrations because of the chance of illness.
I know I'm really late in responding to comments, but I wanted you all to know how much The Girl appreciated your kind words on her cookies! Now she's asking to do all sorts of baking and cooking by herself. She made is all French toast for dinner a week or so ago, and I didn't do anything but stand next to her and supervise. It was delicious!
Anyway, thanks again! I hope you're all enjoying all those awesome Christmas gifts!
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