What is one thing you wish you knew about blogging when you started, or what advice would you give a newbie blogger?
I wish I knew I was going to need more bookshelves (and possibly a bigger house to contain all these books)! But seriously, I wish I'd known how much fun it was going to be because I would've started blogging sooner. I had no idea how big the book blogging community was, and when I discovered just how many book blogs were out there, I never thought anyone would read mine. Every time someone leaves a comment with kind words about one of my reviews, it seriously makes my day!
As for advice to new bloggers, I say just write. Write what you know, write about what interests you, and just have fun with it.
What is your best blogging tip?
Blogging can easily take over your life, and the best tip I can provide is to set aside a particular time to blog so your other commitments aren't neglected. I could spend all day and night on the computer reading book blogs and posting reviews, but then I wouldn't go to work and my daughter wouldn't get her homework done. And know your limits. Don't accept so many review copies that you're drowning under the weight of books that must be read, and reading and blogging become chores. We don't get paid to do this--we do it for the love of reading!! If it stops being fun, step back, take a deep breath, and remember why you started blogging in the first place!
Remember to enter the numerous BBAW giveaways offered by Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit!
To win a copy of Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg, click here.
To win a copy of A Coney Island of the Mind by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, click here.
To win a one-year subscription to Poetry magazine, click here.
Deadline is Midnight on Sept. 19, so you better hurry!!
Hi Anna! I was linked to your blog through Stephanie's Written Word. :)
Great blog and I enjoyed reading your blogging tips. :)
"If it stops being fun, step back, take a deep breath, and remember why you started blogging in the first place!"
That's so true. Blogging shouldn't feel like a chore one has to do. It should be fun. :D
I agree with jeannie, good tip. Some days I pressure myself to post, but I try to remember this isn't a job, it's fun. Then, I wait until the mood strikes me.
Anna, I love your recommendations about setting aside a particular time to blog. I need to do a better job of that.
I've started really curtailing the amount of books I accept for review which is HARD but I'm getting buried here.
The just write, write what you know, write what interests you is some of the most perfect advice I've seen.
I already feel buried...I better heed your advice...:)
Those are very good points, especially about how blogging can take over your life! Some days I get overwhelmed but I'm learning to just accept that I can't always blog every day or read every single post on others' blogs. Course finding lots of great new-to-me blogs this week during BBAW isn't helping! :P
Glad you all enjoyed my tips!
Melody: Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you here again soon!
Jeannie, Nicole: I've been trying to post at least once a day (aside from the weekends), but I don't want to pressure myself. Nicole, you're right about waiting to be in the mood. If I can't think of anything to say, I figure it's best to not say anything at that time.
Shana: I'd like to get on a more set schedule myself, but it seems these days my hubby and I are fighting over who gets the computer in the evening. I say we each get a laptop, but my checkbook says no!
Serena: You need to commute farther, then you'd have more reading time! ;)
Tanabata: I've had a hard time finding a moment to post since BBAW. I've been checking out so many new blogs, too!
Good tips. So agree about setting limits. I'll just set down for a second to check my email next thing I know it's been hour. Blogging is completely addictive.
Hi Courtney! Blogging IS addictive! But the best part is that when you're at the computer checking your email or typing a blog post, it doesn't even feel like that much time has passed! That's how I know I'm enjoying myself!
You've been in high gear blogging lately Missy! I can't keep up with all the reviews, I'm falling terribly behind!
I only wish I could manage my time better on the computer. It's so easy to get lost reading interesting things, nevermind posting on mine! ;O)
Great Tips Anna!!
Hi Dawn! I don't know what's gotten into me with all the posts lately! I'm having a blast, though. I know what you mean about being sidetracked. I'll log on the computer to blog and I end up spending an hour reading and responding to emails! Your posts are worth the wait! ((HUGS)) back!
Thanks Jeannie for emailing me this link :) Definately going to take some tips on that. Hey Anna great blog! Even if I don't respond to more posts! :D
Hi Elsie!! So glad you popped in!
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