Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Giveaway: The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold and The Choice by Nicholas Sparks

Hachette Book Group USA is very generous in offering 5 copies of The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold and 5 copies of The Choice by Nicholas Sparks to my readers! That's right...they'll be 10 lucky winners!! Keep reading to find out how to enter.

The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold focuses on Helen, a grown woman tired of caring for her elderly mother. After Helen commits the ultimate crime, Sebold takes readers back to Helen's childhood, where we see how the burden of a dysfunctional family can take its toll. I read this book last year, and while I couldn't sympathize with Helen's character at all, Sebold grabbed my attention right away. The book takes place over a short period of time, and I was glued to the page waiting to see if Helen got what she deserved. You can read the first chapter of the book here.

In The Choice, Nicholas Sparks tells the love story of Travis Parker and Gabby Holland. The couple is put into a situation I wouldn't wish on anyone, and Travis is forced to decide whether to continue hoping for what seems impossible or abide by his wife's wishes. I'm not a big fan of romance novels, but I've read every book Sparks has published. I've always been surprised how, for a man, Sparks gets the female characters right. You can read the first chapter here.

Want to be one of 5 lucky readers to win a copy of The Almost Moon or one of 5 lucky readers to win a copy of The Choice?

Here are the rules:

1. You must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada. Also, no P.O. Boxes. (The books will be sent directly from the publisher, so I can't make any exceptions. Sorry!)

2. You must enter by 11:59 pm EST on September 30. The winners will be chosen randomly on October 1.

3. Some of you might have one of these books already and don't want a duplicate, so please let me know in your entry whether you want to be entered to win The Almost Moon, The Choice, or both. (It's fine if you want to be entered for both. I just didn't want someone to win a book they already have in their library when they really wanted the other title.)

To enter:

For one entry, simply leave a comment with your email address. Make sure you provide your email address, as I'll need a way to contact you if you win! (You can email me to enter as well.)**Entries MUST have an email address to be counted!**

For a second entry, blog about the contest and post the link in the comments!

Good luck everyone, and a big thanks to Hachette Book Group USA for making this giveaway possible!!


Jeannie said...

Please include me in the giveaway. You have my email address. :D Thanks, Anna.

Jeannie said...

I made a post about your giveaway at my blog:



Julie P. said...

I would love to win THE CHOICE!

Anonymous said...

hey anna! i don't have either of the books with me so do enter me for both!:) thanks for the giveaway!!:)


Unknown said...

oh i love alice sebold i read the lovely bones and was soo wowed by it i have got to read more of her books, they are on my tbr list but man it's long! haha i would like to be entered for the almost moon by alice sebold of course

lc_intocable at yahoo dot com

Ramya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ramya said...

Hey.. i blogged about it here..
and hm.. i slightly messed up..the previous Ramya is me as well.. just from another gmail account.. sorry for the confusion:)

Unknown said...

i also made a post about your giveaway


: )

Anonymous said...

Enter me for both books!

Serena said...

You can enter me for both books. I blogged about the contest as well! But you knew that already!

windycindy said...

Happy Wednesday! Thanks for sponsoring a wonderful book drawing contest. I would be a happy camper to win either book. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

Cool comments! Please enter me for the Alice Sebold book! Stephanie @ wordblog@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

I meant to say cool CONTEST, not COMMENTS! Ahhh, I must be going nuts! :)

Alyce said...

I would like to be entered for both books.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anna said...

Stephanie, don't feel bad. It's the end of the workday, and I can't type either!

Thanks everyone, especially those of you who blogged about the contest!! It's much appreciated!!

pamwax said...

Hi Anna. I have missed you. We don't seen to be on the computer at the same time lately. Hope all is well.

I would love to be entered in the contest. I am pretty sure you have my email address. I will also post about the contest on my blog.


Anonymous said...

No need to enter me, Anna, I just wanted to stop by to say WOW - what a wonderful giveaway!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

No need to enter me, Anna. I'm just dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.

Chesh said...

Please enter me. Thnks a bunch!!

angelleslament @ gmail.com

Alyce said...

I blogged about it here:


-.- said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
-.- said...

Please enter me in this giveaway. I've also left a link of this at my blog, it's off to the side.


~ Popin

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Please enter me for The Almost Moon!

I blogged about it here:



Gwendolyn B. said...

Wow, this is a great giveaway -- thanks for the chance. Of the two books, I would prefer THE ALMOST MOON, but I haven't read either, so I'll be happy no matter which, if I am lucky enough to win one.
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win either one:)Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Suey said...

Hi Anna! Enter me for both... my email: jenstusue AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I would love to read The Almost Moon. I love Sebold's previous books and I've heard a lot about this one.

Thanks for the chance to win!


Ruth Schaller said...

I loved the Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, so I would like to be entered for The Almost Moon. I've wanted this book so bad!

Ruthiesbookreviews (AT) yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love both authors and would love the chance to win either book. Please enter me in the giveaway.

Also, I blogged about your giveaway here:


Thank you so much. =)

-Carmen T

Thursday said...

Please enter me for both! My email is thursday at thursdaybram dot com.

Anonymous said...

What a super giveaway. I would like to be entered for both books. I've been wanting to read Alice Sebold's book and I'm always up for a Nicholas Sparks book.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to include my email:

nbbaker1102 at msn dot com

The Tome Traveller said...

I don't have either one and they both sound good, please enter me for both!

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to win either one!


Nancy said...

Hello I would love to be entered in your contest for both books. The Lovely Bones was one of my favorite reads last year and Nicholas Sparks always gets me to run for a box of tissues.


Thanks for the giveaway

hermeslyre said...

I'd like to be entered for either, please! Thank you.

I'm in love with West of Mars, and you oh so generous and nice bloggers.

Sara said...

Two great books, enter me, please!


Anita Yancey said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I don't have either book. But would love to win one of these great reads. Thanks so much!

mommyjen99 said...

I wanna win! I love to read and pass books on to my sister in law. We would both enjoy reading both books.

photoquest said...

Saw you listed over at J-Kayes and wanted to look around at your site. It's wonderful!! I would like to be entered in both your contest Thanks!

Anonymous said...

These are two very talented writers. Anything they write is wonderful. Please include me in your super giveaway!

Sweepstakes Advantage said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pintolinda said...

I would like to win either The AlmostMoon or The Choice. They both sound so interesting.
pintolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I would like to be entered for both and thank you

valerie2350 said...

What a great prize! :)

furygirl3132 said...

I would love to be entered to win The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. I love his style of writing and have a lot of his books, but not this one. Thanks so much for the opportunity!


Sandra said...

I would love to read both of them, I don't have either of them. Thank you for entering me.

Francine Anchondo said...

I would love to be enter in both. Thanks for the giveaway the books both sound interesting and plus I love Nicholas sparks.


VickieC said...

I dont have either of these books an would love to win either one ,they sound very interesting,thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I would greatly appriciate it if you entered me into the giveaway for "the almost moon" by alice sebold, I am a HUGE fan of her other books "the lovely bones" and "lucky" she is a wonderful writer!! Thank You! :)

Anonymous said...

Please keep me in for both contests. Thank you.


Carol M said...

I would love to win either book! I've read several of Nicholas Sparks books and enjoyed them very much. Alice Sebold would be a new author for me. Thank you!
mittens0831 AT aol DOT com

judybrittle said...

I haven't read either so please enter me to win both. Thank you!

kaylee8 said...

I would enjoy reading both books!

Anna said...

Thanks to everyone who has entered so far!

Kaylee8: I'd love to enter you, but you forgot to leave your email address!

sweetsue said...

I love both of these authors, I would love to be entered for both!

Theresa N. said...

I'd love to read The Almost Moon, thank you.
Theresa n

Rebekah (monkeygirlsmama) said...

I do not have either of these books, nor have I had the opportunity read either. Therefore, I'd love to enter the drawing for both, and that way if I win I can be surprised by whichever one you'd decide to send.

Thank you!!!

littleminx at cox dot net

tanabata said...

I'd love to be entered for The Almost Moon. (For some reason I keep wanting to type Noon instead of Moon)! :P

I've also posted about your giveaway on my blog here.

tanabata2000 AT gmail DOT com

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

oh, please enter me too!!!

I am also having a giveaway, come check it out!

April said...

I would love to be entered in the contest. I have not read either book, so I would be thrilled winning either one!

darbyscloset said...

Boy, I am happy to take either book off of your hands for you!!!
Please enter me for both....I have not read either one of them!
Thank you for the opportunity!
darbyscloset (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I enjoy both authors, but I think I would rather have the Alice Sebold book if I should be lucky enough to win! Thanks!
digicat @ sbcglobal.net

Unknown said...

I would like to be entered for both books, please!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered for both contests but would like to win The choice.

bison61 said...

please enter me for both books

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I would like to be entered for both please.

Anna said...

Kjc02, I'd love to enter you in the contest, but you forgot to include your email address!

Unknown said...

They both sound good, so enter me for both. Thanks!

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I can't decide so both!

thanks so much for the chance!

karissag [at]gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I know my gf would be be quite happy with either one of those! she is a sparks fan!

kgsweep AT gmail DOT com

Traci said...

Please enter me. I don't have either book, so I'd be thrilled with either one. Thank you!


tetewa said...

I'd like to be included for both. I've read many of Nicholas Sparks books and love his reads! tWarner419@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered into your giveaway for The Almost Moon. Thanks!

amber at amberstults.com

Kimberly said...

Enter me for both, please!


Mari said...

I really enjoyed The Lovely Bones, I would love the chance to read this new book. Thanks.

Mari said...

I really enjoyed The Lovely Bones, I would love the chance to read this new book. Thanks.

Jackie B. said...

great looking reads! Enter me for both, please!


Teresa690 said...

I love both authors, so I would like to enter for both books! Thanks!

Renee G said...

I'd love to win either one of these.


Tamara B. said...

I would like to win the book The Almost Moon.

Anonymous said...

i would absolutely LOVe to win both books .i am on a fixed income and love to read!!jones92056@yahoo.com

Anna said...

I'm blown away by all the entries! Thank you everyone!

Teresa, I'd love to enter you, but you forgot to leave your email!

Meljprincess said...

I would like to win both books. Thanks.

Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

Donna said...

Hi, I would love to win either book but my first choice would be THE ALMOST MOON. I love Alice's work! I don't have a blog, so this will be my only entry. THank you very much.

Anonymous said...

THE ALMOST MOON would be a good read.

lag123 said...

I love both of these authors!

SciFiGuy said...

Lovely Bones was a wonderful ok. Please enter me for the Sebold.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Almost Moon....

Queen of the Sharp Tongues said...

Please include me in the giveaway.

Anna said...

lag123: I'd love to enter you, but I need your email address!

MySharonAnne said...

I'd like to enter for both. posted on my blog:http://sharonlovesbooksandcats.blogspot.com/2008/09/another-contest.html


Anonymous said...

Hi! Would love to receive either book or both! Thanks for letting me enter the giveaway!
Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

Would absolutely love to win some books.My email is Nofret8@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great giveaway Anna!

I read Almost Moon last winter when it came out (I was in the UK at the time). I really like Alice Sebold's writing and how she's not afraid to write about controversial subjects.

I would, however, like to read The Choice. I've read other novels by Nicolas Sparks and they're such moving, well-written tales. I would love to be entered!

Thanks again.
monnibo AT hotmail DOT com.

plhill2000 said...

I would love to win either book.

Anna said...

Patricia, I'd love to enter you, but I need your email address! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The Choice, I love Sparks

weblynx at hotmail dot com

nancy said...

Thanks so much, would love to be entered for both novels - I haven't had a chance to read either..

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would like to enter for both~

rasilla012 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anna said...

Nancy, I'd love to enter you, but I need your email address!

janetfaye said...

Please enter me for both.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne! Thanks for stopping by Planet Books! I love your blog and will have to add it too my Google Reader.

Please enter me in your contest.


Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I would love to be entered to win both books! They both sound really, really good!

Sara said...

Please enter me for both books. I'm linking your contest at my blog:


Sheri S. said...

I'd love to be entered for both books! Thanks!

preferred.stock at gmail dot com

cindysloveofbooks said...

Hi count me in for this please. I don't have either book. I have read books from both author.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me for both, Thanks. Kaye
e mail is florida982002 at yahoo.com

missdenise said...

Please enter me for both! Thanks!

Sandee61 said...

Please enter me for "The Almost Moon" by Alice Sebold. I have "The Choice" and loved it!

Enjoying your blog...I don't have one as yet, but hope to someday!



Beth said...

Please enter me for both. Thanks for the chance.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Anna said...

This giveaway is closed.