Here's what I received:
Black Box by Julie Schumacher (from the author/Authorbuzz)
In Hovering Flight by Joyce Hinnefeld (from Unbridled Books)
Off Season by Anne Rivers Siddons (contest from Bookfinds)
Owen Fiddler by Marvin D. Wilson (from the author)
Humpty Dumpty Jr.: Hardboiled Detective: The Case of the Fiendish Flapjack Flop by Nate Evans, Paul Hindman, & Vince Evans (from Sourcebooks)
Humpty Dumpty Jr.: Hardboiled Detective: The Mystery of Merlin & the Gruesome Ghost by Nate Evans, Paul Hindman, & Vince Evans (from Sourcebooks)
These will keep me busy for awhile! My daughter, aka The Girl, is looking forward to reviewing the Humpty Dumpty Jr. books (and others) with me, so stay tuned for her appearance on Diary of an Eccentric!
Feel free to share the books you've received (or bought) over the past week in the comments! Happy Monday!
What a super stack of books! I know you'll be busy. :)
I just read and reviewed In Hovering Flight this week. I'm anxious to know what you think of it. I haven't seen any other blog reviews of it yet.
What a great list! I have In Hovering Flight and Off Seasons on my wish list and look forward to your reviews!
Welcome to Mailbox Monday...I just started last week! I hope that you check out my Mailbox Monday post today.
Uhoh you are participating in things! This could be the start of something!
Tha't's quite the list Anna. I'd love to read Off Season. I can't wait to see the reviews that you and your daughter will do-how sweet.
That's a lot of books! I haven't read any of them, but getting books in the mail always makes me happy :) I hope you enjoy them all.
Looks like you're going to have some fun reading ahead of you. Unfortunately for me, I haven't purchased any books recently.
Wow - now THAT's a mailbox full of reading. You amaze me with your prolific reading. I'll have to check back and list my books. Got two of em last week but I haven't memorized the authors' spellings yet. Two new authors that want me to review and critique their work.
Yay, Anna, welcome to Mailbox Monday (says Shana who still needs to write her post!)
I have Off Season too. It looks so good, can't wait to start it.
Hi Anna. How does one go about receiving books like that? Is it a program that you subscribe to or are you just buying books off Amazon?
I received "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver this weekend as a b-day present from my mom-in-law. When I finish "Nineteen Minutes," it's going to be my next read.
you've been tagged:
J. Kaye: I definitely will be busy, but that's how I like it! ;)
Sandra: I saw a review of In Hovering Flight not too long ago on Booking Mama's blog. It sounds like a great book! I'll check out your review!
Red Lady-Bonnie: I look forward to your reviews as well, and I'll certainly check out your list!
Serena: I know! What am I getting myself into! :P
Dar: Thanks! My daughter is very excited! We started one of the Humpty Dumpty Jr. book last night. We're going to read more when she finishes her homework (and I stop answering blog comments! LOL)
Nymeth: I love receiving mail that isn't bills!! Books are always welcome!!
Jeannie: When you do pick up some new titles, please share! I love learning about new books!
Marvin: I'd love to hear what's on your reading list!
Shana: Can't wait to read your post. Looking forward to your Off Season review!
Lady Blogger: I haven't purchased any books recently. One of these books I won in a blog contest and the others were sent to me by authors or publishers for review. Can't wait to hear what you think about Nineteen Minutes. I read that last year. I've heard good things about Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, but haven't read it yet.
These all sound interesting, congrats and happy reading!
Thanks, Ladytink!
Welcome to Mailbox Mondays! I've been doing these posts for a few weeks, but I kept forgetting to add my link to Marcia's post. In Hovering Flight is also on my wish list, so I'll echo Bonnie's comment: I'm looking forward to your review!
Avisannschild: I almost forgot to post my link as well! If you get a chance to read In Hovering Flight, let me know. I'd love to read your review!
Enjoyed Black Box. It was a quick but substantial read.
Lenore: Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I'm looking forward to Black Box. It'll be one of the next books I read.
Thanks for stopping by the 'Mailbox' this week. You're going to be busy for a while. I'm starting to see 'Hovering' popping up so bloggers must be starting to get their copies.
Marcia: Busy is my middle name! Thanks for hosting Mailbox Monday!
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