Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit and I thought it would be fitting to end BBAW by continuing our discussion about writing processes and writing spaces by introducing you to two bloggers dedicated to writing and reviewing books. At Savvy Verse & Wit, Serena will introduce you to April of Cafe Dreams (click here).
Meanwhile, Diary of an Eccentric welcomes Rebekah of Simply Romance Reviews and Ready Set Read Reviews. Here's what Rebekah had to say about how and where she writes:
When I do write, which . . . sadly has been awhile, I don't really do much prep or planning. Usually, the extent of my process was making sure I had a piece of paper and a pen with me at all times. My ideas normally just came to me without much effort. On the occasion when I had a purpose for trying to put something together, I just sat down and worked to find a theme, get an image in mind, and then work to acclimate myself to the flow.
. . . it used to be that I'd do the majority of my non-spontaneous writing while sitting on my bed. It wasn't really that I had a designated writing space, per say, but it's where I could relax. And, as I'm sure most writers will agree, being comfortable is a big key to success in getting the ideas to come. It has been for me anyway.
Regarding my mode of writing, I've found that the good old fashion pen and paper tend to be more my thing when it comes to writing poetry. If I'm going to be writing something more drawn out, like a short story, I will go with the computer (though I spent many years, pre-computer age, writing until my hand cramped up unbearably). For me, my ability to feel the words flowing from pen to paper really made the satisfaction level so much more. I love the instant gratification of looking at the words on the paper and knowing they're mine. You can do that on the computer, undoubtedly, but you lose that personal touch.
When she sent us her response to our questions about writing, Rebekah didn't have her own blog. A self-proclaimed "techno-phobe," she has been hesitant to post her own work online. (I can relate!) However, this afternoon, Rebekah emailed to say that Ready Set Read Reviews had been born! This is what she said:
I went on a whim today and created my own blog for reviewing kid's books. . . . I hope to use this as a trial run for moving on to my own adult book blog and possibly my own personal (would incorporate poetry if I ever get over the hang up of posting it online) one.
Congratulations, Rebekah! And thanks so much for sharing your thoughts about the writing process. We hope discussing your writing process inspires you to pick up the pen and paper once again! We wish you luck on your blogging adventures, and don't be surprised if you see us stopping by to visit!
Don't forget these giveaways:
You can enter the Diary of an Eccentric-Savvy Verse & Wit joint giveaway to win a one-year subscription to Writer's Digest or a copy of Writing the Wave: Inspired Rides for Aspiring Writers by Elizabeth Ayres by clicking here and answering our questions at the end of the post about your writing process and ideal writing space. The contest is open until Midnight on Sept. 21.
You can enter to win Alice Sebold's The Almost Moon or Nicholas Sparks' The Choice, courtesy of Hachette Book Group USA, by clicking here. The contest is open until Midnight on Sept. 30.
Rebekah, Anna, Serena, great interview.
I know what you mean about pen and paper. It's just different than typing.
I love the name of Rebekah's new blog.
Awww, thank you! It was a pleasure and honor to have been invited to share with you just a little about my own writing experience. I really do hope that it's only going to up from here. ;)
I really am excited that this conversation inspired Rebekah to open up a new blog and get back to reviewing. I hope that it will keep her writing as well.
Thanks, Shana! I won't even go into my obsession with all things stationery!
Rebekah, you are very welcome! And I agree with Serena that I hope you were inspired to start writing again. Good luck with your new blog!
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