Here's how I did:
1. The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran
2. Testimony by Anita Shreve
3. The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
4. The Safety of Secrets by Delaune Michel **FINISHED** (Review forthcoming)
5. Life After Genius by M. Ann Jacoby **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
6. Lydia Bennet's Story by Jane Odiwe **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
7. The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
8. The Memorist by M.J. Rose **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
9. Pemberley by the Sea by Abigail Reynolds **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
10. Arsenic Soup for Lovers by Georgia Z. Post **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
11. Any Given Doomsday by Lori Handeland **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
12. Black Box by Julie Schumacher **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
13. The Wonder Singer by George Rabasa
14. Off the Menu by Christine Son **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
15. Owen Fiddler by Marvin D. Wilson **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
16. Cold Rock River by J.L. Miles **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
17. The Ladies of Longbourn by Rebecca Ann Collins
18. The House on Tradd Street by Karen White **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
19. Sam's Quest for the Crimson Crystal by Ben Furman **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
20. Sam's Quest: The Royal Trident by Ben Furman **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
21. The Sighing of the Winter Trees by Laura Grossman **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
22. Open Slowly by Dayle Furlong **FINISHED** (Reviewed here)
23. Conscience Point by Erica Abeel
24. Matrimony by Joshua Henkin
25. Tomato Girl by Jayne Pupek
26. Down to a Sunless Sea by Mathias B. Freese
27. The Middle Sister by Bonnie Glover
28. In Hovering Flight by Joyce Hinnefeld
29. Ines of My Soul by Isabel Allende
30. Mansfield Park Revisited by Joan Aiken
31. The Reluctant Widow by Georgette Heyer
32. Cooperative Village by Frances Madeson
I think I've learned my lesson. On one hand, I want to motivate myself to read, but on the other hand, I'd like to successfully complete a challenge. You live, you learn. I won't even post my overly ambitious reading list for the WWII challenge I'm co-hosting with Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit...
Thanks to Katrina from Callapidder Days for hosting the Fall Into Reading 2008 challenge.
I think you did an excellent job at tackling your list. And I'm sure the other books will be read in due time. You definitely don't need any encouragement to read. Your love for reading is all you need. :D
17 books is nothing to complain about! It looks like you read some really great books too. :)
I didn't finish this challenge either, so don't feel bad.
that's pretty good. I think you did just fine.
32 - ambitious! I managed to finish my list of 20, but only because I swapped out some. 17 is great!
Good job! You did fine, especially if you were reading books for other things that were not on your list.
congruuaats girl that's really good :) :)
it is alright to tbe amitious ;) :) u have at least a great list to select from :)
You did a great job, even if you didn't quite read as many of your chosen books as you had hoped. I have discovered that I especially like making up the reading lists for challenges, but I am not always so good about completing them. :-)
I think that's much better than just "not bad", Anna!
Well I think you did great! You get an 'A' for effort from me.
You did awesome! Way to go!!
Congratulations on what you accomplished during the challenge! I think 17 books is quite successful!
I think you did an excellent job! I didn't stick with my original list at all...
Anna, I think you did great! I'm really looking forward to the WWII challenge ...
Thanks everyone for your encouraging words. I know I did as well as I could've done, I just didn't want to bomb my first ever challenge. LOL Now I know to be more realistic in my goal setting, especially when Christmas is so near.
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