I'm supposed to pass this one on to 10 bloggers, and I'm sure some of you on this list have already received it...but hey, no one complains when they accept a second Oscar, right? ;)
Jeannie from I Like to Be Here When I Can
Serena from Savvy Verse and Wit
Susan from West of Mars--The Meet and Greet and West of Mars--Win a Book
Alyce from At Home With Books
Veens from Giving Reading a Chance
Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog
Shana from Literarily
Dar from Peeking Between the Pages
Nymeth from things mean a lot
Monica from Monniblog
It was really hard to stop at 10. You know I love you all!

With this award, you're supposed to list 6 values that are important to you and 6 things you do not support, so here goes...
6 values/characteristics that are important to me:
hard work
6 things I do not support:
And now I get to pass this award on to Kreative 6 bloggers:
Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit (have you seen her photography??)
Iliana from bookgirl's nightstand (have you seen her homemade journals??)
Monica from Monniblog (have you seen her knitting projects and my blog banner??)
Marie from The Boston Bibliophile (have you seen her new craft blog??)
Dawn from Dsknits2 (have you seen her knitting and crochet projects??)
Sheri from A Novel Menagerie (have you seen her book charmers??)

I received the Great Buddy Award from Naida of the bookworm and Veens of Giving Reading a Chance. Thank you both so much! This award really means a lot to me, and I've "met" so many wonderful people since I started blogging.
I'm passing this award on to:
Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit (my real life buddy of almost 14 years!)
Lady Blogger from Saturday Is Only One Day of the Week (my real life buddy of about 16 years!)
Jeannie from I Like to Be Here When I Can
Dawn from Dsknits2
Susan from West of Mars--The Meet and Greet and West of Mars--Win a Book
Bookfool from Bookfoolery and Babble
Wendy from Musings of a Bookish Kitty
I appreciate your friendship very much!

I received the Bookworm award from Serena of Savvy Verse and Wit, Marie of The Boston Bibliophile, Ramya of Ramya's Bookshelf, and Sheri of A Novel Menagerie. Thanks so much!
The rules go like this:
Open the closest book to you--not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment--to page 56.
Write out the fifth sentence as well as the next two to five sentences.
From Reading by Lightning by Joan Thomas:
"One of them takes her mitts off and tells me to as well and we clasp naked hands, bits of red fibre from our mittens stuck in the sweat of our palms. When he's gone a town girl skates up to me. You shouldn't take your mittens off when you skate with a boy, she says kindly, making a pretty little turn to stop. It's fast."
I'm supposed to pass this on to five bloggers, but since I'm probably the last one to post this, I won't. But if you haven't been tagged yet and would like to be, go right ahead and post it!

Now I get to pass this award on to 10 bloggers with "the coolest blog I ever know" (boy this is hard...I love way too many blogs):
Wendy from Musings of a Bookish Kitty
Shana from Literarily
Ramya from Ramya's Bookshelf
Julie from Booking Mama
Tanabata from In Spring It Is the Dawn
Naida from the bookworm
Marie from The Boston Bibliophile
Alea from Pop Culture Junkie
Dawn from She Is Too Fond of Books
Avisannschild from She Reads and Reads

The Prémio Dardos is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.
Thank you so much! What an honor!
Now I get to pass this award on to 15 bloggers:
Marvin from Free Spirit
Marie from The Boston Bibliophile
Natasha from Maw Books Blog
Amy from My Friend Amy
J. Kaye from J. Kaye's Book Blog
Nymeth from things mean a lot
Sheri from A Novel Menagerie
Wendy from caribousmom
Cari from Dispatches From Utopia
S. Krishna from S. Krishna's Books
Jen from Devourer of Books
Veens from Giving Reading a Chance
Dawn from She Is Too Fond of Books
Wendi from Wendi's Book Corner
Breeni from Breeni Books
Congratulations everyone!
hat's a lot of awards! congrats!~:) and thanks for the butterfly award! I am so honored!!:)
Wowza...you have been one busy lady! That is a lot of awards. Congrats to you...you deserve each and every one!
Holy smoke! Eccentrics ARE well loved (surprise, surprise). And it's all well-deserved, too, my friend.
Thank you for honoring me twice. I'm tickled pink!
Holy wow, that is a ton of awards! Congratulations! How did you keep them all straight!
And thanks so much for mentioning me!! :D
Wow - you got every award out there and rightly so. Thanks so much for passing one on to me!
Anna, thanks so much for the award. I am honored. I was just coming to tell you I awarded you with an award when I saw this one. Go check out yours!
Wow, you've been showered with awards!! Thanks for listing me as one of your buddies!! I am just trying to catch up on emails and realized I have one from you. Pardon my pokiness. :) Congrats on all the awards!!
Wow! Congrats on your many awards! :)
Awww, Anna. Thank you so much for thinking of me!
It's no wonder you received all those awards. They are well deserved.
congratulations on your awards and thank you for mentioning my blogs! :-) you're so sweet! you have a great blog & i'm glad to see you get so much recognition!
Aw thank you so much! You definitely deserve those awards! You're a great blogger.
Congrats on the awards...jolly good show!
I will have to catch up this set of awards now...o boy.
Congrats on the awards and thank you!
Wow! Congrats on all the great awards.
Wow, congratulations on the awards! You'll need a bigger bulletin board if this keeps up :)
Thanks for sharing the love with me and *She is Too Fond of Books*!
I'll admit that I am terrible about making time to post these; I think it's the pressure of passing it along (finding someone who hasn't been awarded, not forgetting someone) ... but I will get to it one day (soon!)
hi Anna, thank you for the award. And congrats on getting all those awards, they are well deserved :)
Congratulations on all the awards! Thanks for passing one along to me!
You deserve them all Anna! Your blog is awesome! :)
Thanks for including me in with all your literary buddies! Hey now, I read tons too! LOL! ;O)
Huge hugs! Thanks so much!
Thank you so much for the award! I have to also thank you for leaving so many wonderful comments. I look forward to your "visits." I also love that we read many of the same books and seem to have similar taste!
I see you too, have already received the butterfly award, but I'm giving it to ya again. So here is the link:
Hugs :D
Thanks, Anna!
Congratulations to you, Anna. You deserve each and every award that you received.
And thank you for awarding me with The Lemonade Award and The Great Buddy Award. The latter one especially means a great deal to me. I think the same way about you!!
Sheesh - you are one award-worthy-amazing-deserving-passing-on-to-other-deservings Blogger, Anna!
LOL - Hey thanks for thinking of me. Got that already, been there and wearing the T-shirt. But it's the thought that counts.
Thank You.
Thank you all, and to those of you who received awards from me, you're all very welcome!
I hope you don't mind one more award! Check it out here: http://cafeofdreams.blogspot.com/2009/01/kreativ-blogger-award.html
Have a great weekend!
April: Well, I certainly won't complain! LOL Thank you so much! I'm honored!
Anna, thank you so much! You made my day :)
I love seeing all these awards and of course discovering new blogs to visit :)
Thanks Anna! :)
Thank you so much for the awards, Anna! That is so sweet of you! I can see why you were showered with all of these. You earned every one of them and then some!
Iliana, Tanabata, and Literary Feline: You're all very welcome! You deserve the recognition!
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