Mission Accomplished: Stop the Clock by Muriel P. Engelman (from the author...a perfect book for the WWII reading challenge)
The 8th Confession by James Patterson (from Hachette)
The Agency by Ally O'Brien (a contest win from Wendi's Book Corner...thanks, Wendi!)
I'm looking forward to reading these! What books did you welcome into your home recently?
Thanks to Marcia from The Printed Page for hosting Mailbox Monday.
Oh, the horror! My home computer died over the weekend! So with the lack of online access at home, coupled with a trip to CT for my nephew's baptism this weekend, I soon will be even more behind in my blog reading and commenting than I already was. So if you don't see me around, don't take it personally. And please send good thoughts my way...my husband's trying to fix it. It's an old computer, so we knew it was only a matter of time until we had to buy a new one. But getting a new one could take several weeks. It's a good thing I'm too busy to think about it right now. I might break down and cry. ;) Well, I guess I'll have more reading time...

Oh, the horror! My home computer died over the weekend! So with the lack of online access at home, coupled with a trip to CT for my nephew's baptism this weekend, I soon will be even more behind in my blog reading and commenting than I already was. So if you don't see me around, don't take it personally. And please send good thoughts my way...my husband's trying to fix it. It's an old computer, so we knew it was only a matter of time until we had to buy a new one. But getting a new one could take several weeks. It's a good thing I'm too busy to think about it right now. I might break down and cry. ;) Well, I guess I'll have more reading time...
The Agency was cute -- hope you like it!
That Mission Accomplished sounds good, as I need to get back to the WWII challenge.
Here is mine
Happy Reading!
I haven't read The Agency, but its gotten good reviews so far. Mission Accomplished is in the TBR mountain as you know!
here's my mailbox: http://savvyverseandwit.blogspot.com/2009/03/mailbox-monday-20.html
I feel your pain. Mine died a few weeks ago as well, and a little birdy told me that my computer fixer guy was close to having me up and running. I have no idea what will have been salvaged or not from my hard drive. I'm scared.
Hope your computer gets fixed soon!
Some good picks!
Here is my mailbox.
I received the Laws of Harmony by Judith Hendricks as part of Book Club Girl's on air radio show and I am liking it a lot.
Yeah!! Glad you got the book Anna - happy reading!!
Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi
Anna- so sorry to hear about the computer. I went to school for computers so please drop me a line if I can answer a question or two for you.
I look forward to your review of the James Patterson book. My mom really likes his writing and I'd love to be able to recommend the book to her.
"And please send good thoughts my way.."
I'm always sending good thoughts your way. :D
Yikes. A broken down computer is never a good thing. Hope it gets better soon. Happy Reading.
Don't cry! Hope you can get back to blogging as soon as possible! Meanwhile, read lots of good stuff :)
Good luck with your computer challenges!
I haven't read any of the books on your list, but I also received the Agency. I have some James Patterson books, but I haven't read any of them yet (and I don't have the 8th Confession). Enjoy your books!
I am so far behind on the Patterson series - I think I am on book 6! Enjoy your books - and your new computer if you get one!
good luck with the computer stuff. that stinks.
I won The Agency from Wendi too - mind came today. I'd be lost without my PC too, so I feel your pain.
Hi Anna, thanks for your comment on my Mailbox Monday post, it answered a question about the one book I received that I didn't request which was, What do I do with it? So now I know I can put it at the bottom of my books to review pile.
I didn't recognize any of the books on your list.
I know what you mean about computer problems, mine got a virus a while back and I was a fixture at the library's public computers until it was cleaned up!
Great haul, Anna!
I think I really should get The Agency...
My mailbox is here...
Oh, so sorry about your computer!
I'm trying to take in fewer books, also. Some days I do very well. Some days I don't.
Hi there!
You've won an award! Visit my blog for the details - no idea how to do a link in a comment form! Sorry :)
Great list--Mission Accomplished looks especially intriguing.
Happy Reading!
Hey Anna! Have you seen the shoutout & link you got in this article? http://amarketingexpert.com/ameblog/?p=702
I was wondering where you were! May your computer problems be solved quickly and painlessly :)
Mission Accomplished: Stop the Clock looks like a good one. I need to start reading more for that challenge, but I'm in a Civil War period right now.
Check my mailbox and have a great week:
happy reading :O)
puter probs are such a pain!
Mission Accomplished sounds interesting. I hadn't heard of it before.
Oh, I hope your computer troubles are over soon!
My Mailbox Monday was light, too. Like you, it was by design.
Huh, you just got Mission Accomplished? I thought I saw that one in a MM post on your blog before (though maybe it was Serena's blog?). I requested it too, but haven't gotten it and had given up on it.
I hope your computer troubles have been fixed! (As you can see I'm behind on blog reading/commenting too!)
Thank you for stopping by the mailbox this week. I feel your computer pain. I'd be so very sad if my laptop broke down. Enjoy your books!
~Julie: Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading it.
~Kaye: It does sound interesting, and the author has offered to do an interview for the War Through the Generations blog. I can't wait!
~Serena: I can't wait to hear what you think of it.
~Sandy: I'm feeling your pain. I hope your situation turns out well.
~Stephanie: Me, too!
~Gautami: Thanks!
~Ti: I can't wait to hear what you think about it. I saw that show was coming up, but I had too much on my plate to participate.
~Wendi: Thanks!
~Jeannie: Thanks so much! You're a doll. I hope to read the Patterson book soon. I've been keeping up with the Women's Murder Club, but I haven't had great experiences with his other books as of late.
~Dar: It's not looking good, but I haven't given up hope yet.
~Ladytink: Thanks! I'm trying not to cry, but it's so darn frustrating.
~Alyce: Serena and her mom got me reading Patterson a few years ago. I'm trying to think of a good one to start off with, but I'm at a loss right now. LOL
~Kristi: It's easy for me to keep up with Patterson because his books go so fast. I hope you've been enjoying the series thus far.
~Marie: Thanks! It certainly does.
~Bermudaonion: I never realized how attached to the computer I was. :( Hope you enjoy The Agency.
~Bella: Glad I was able to help! I'd probably use the library's computers, but the library hours and my work/family schedule just don't work out right now. :(
~Kathrin: Thanks! I'll have to go check out your blog.
~Bookfool: I'm the same way. I just can't help myself some times. Though when the bookcase collapsed, you'd think I learned my lesson. ;P
~Wendy: Thanks so much for the award. It means a lot to me.
~Kim: Thanks! I can't wait to read it.
~Monica: Thanks! I did see it. Now I have to write a more detailed review policy...
~Lenore: Thanks! The quicker the better. Sorry I was MIA. Not sure when my schedule will be back to normal.
~Wisteria: At least you have the rest of the year for the WWII challenge. We'll get to the Civil War at some point. I'll have to check out your blog for when you review those to get some ideas.
~Naida: For sure! Thanks for stopping by.
~Teddy Rose: I hadn't heard of it until I got the email from Bostick.
~Dawn: We just dug out a really old computer with a password issue. Maybe we can get that one up and running. A light mail week is a blessing these days, but I miss getting loads of packages.
~avisannschild: Sometimes I think I'll never catch up in Google Reader. I'd hate to mark everything as read...I don't want to miss anything. Serena got that book awhile back. The author sent me one, too, but it never arrived. This is the second one she mailed.
~Marcia: Thanks!
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