To enter:
Leave a comment on this post telling me why you'd like to read this book. Please leave your email address.
If you blog or tweet about the giveaway, let me know in the comments, and you'll receive an extra entry.
If you're a follower or subscriber to my blog, let me know, and I'll give you an extra entry for that, too.
This giveaway is open to U.S. addresses only and will run until Friday, June 5 at 11:59 EST.
Given the main character goes to Italy-what better reason than to read a book set in Italy.
This sounds great!
I follow.
You have convinced me. Please enter my humble name (which is already a follower) at rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com!
I just read your review/interview and this book sounds wonderful. Something to really "sink my teeth into."
I subscribe in Google Reader.
Thanks! jgbeads at gmail dot com
It looks like a great summer read that's why I'd like to read it!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
I would like to read this book because it sounds interesting.
I'm a follower.
I'd love to get my hands on a copy of this book! I've seen it on other blogs and just KNOW I wouldn't be able to put it down!
I also tweeted it and am going to post it on the sidebar of my blog!
I'm also a follower of your blog! :)
I want to get my hands on this book because it sounds like something I would really like! And the cover is just really mesmerizing.
I'm already a follower.
One reason I would love to read it is because it's her debut novel. Also, it looks like it will have so many layers and levels to discover in the story.
I have your giveaway on my leftsidebar
I'm a follower.
i'd love to be entered, the book sounds great.
Your review was the incentive that had me putting Precious on my wish list - even before the giveaway. I'd love to win a copy!
I'd love to win this! I'm in love with the cover.
+1 I became a follower.
I'm intrigued to know why Natalia left & then came back to wreak more havoc on the family she left behind.
Looks like a good book - please count me in!
I follow & subscribe via Google Reader.
Hello, What an emotional roller coaster this book could be. I mean that in a good way. When an author can pull you into her story line
and characters, a reader like me
is very much effected! To feel
the emotions of Sissy at her friend's disappearance, her mother's leaving and then returning - makes
me want to read this book very much!
Please enter my name in your book
drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
After reading your interview I want to read this book. I especially like knowing that the book is based on real emotions from real expeerience. Very good interview.
My email: margotDOTpeckATgmailDOTcom
Hi Anna. Long time no visit. Sorry 'bout that. Blogs have been pretty much off my radar for a while.
This books sounds like it is full of suspense. It actually reminds me of something I went through as a kid. A friend of mine was being molested by her father. Although she never flat out told me and our mutual friends, we were given enough hints. I never did tell someone, a decision that I will always regret.
Please enter me in your contest. I will post about it on my blog in a day or two. Will let you know when I do.
Hope things are slowing down for you. I sure do miss ya, Anna!
I want to read this book because it sounds to me like it covers several difficult topics.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
I'm also a follower.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
This book sounds great and I would like to be entered in the giveaway!
I would just have to reiterate what I said on the review/interview - that it sounds like a book that would stay with me after I read it - so please pick me randomizer thingy! I also follow your blog.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
I would love to win a copy of this book because it sounds very interesting and I need some summer reading :)
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower :)
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
After reading several great reviews of this book as well as your interview with the author, how could I not want to read it? Please enter me in the giveaway!
Oh and I'm already a follower, of course!
Goodness, you've already gotten a lot of entries!
No need to throw my name in the hat. I'm stopping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this at the new Win a Book for ya!
I'm always looking for new authors to read, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
I am a follower....all the way to BEA and back...lol
I will post it in the sidebar and I want to read this book, because it sounded intriguing when you told me about it in my living room the other day before BEA.
It sounds difficult and sad but 18 readers on Amazon have given it 5 stars so it must be worth the heartache. For this reason, I'd like to give it a read.
melacan at hotmail dot com
This sounds like a really good book and I think I'd enjoy it.
I'm a follower.
Sounds like a fascinating read and the author's voice is captivating-please enter me for a chance to win Precious. Thanks.
Please enter me - you know how much I need another book! milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I would love to win this because it sounds like a book I would not normally read and I am trying to break out of my genre
This sounds like a fun read - please count me in!
+ I'm a follower
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
Please enter me! I have been wanting to read this book. I like to read anything that is set in Italy, plus everyone's reviews (including yours) have convinced me I will like it!
I am a follower already.
I could use a good summer read!
thanks for the chance to win
I've seen this book around and have heard great things about it. I'd love to read it. Please enter me. Thanks!
I'm also subscribed to your feed.
I'd like to win it because your review makes it sounds so interesting. Thanks
I have read some great reviews on this book and would love to read it this summer. Please include me in your giveaway.
I am a new follower.
I want to read this book because the cover alone looks interesting. :)
lc_intocable [a]yahoo[d]com
I want to read it to find out how all the characters intertwine in the story.
This contest is now closed. Thanks to all who entered, as well as blogged or tweeted about it. I'll announce the winner soon.
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