As I haven't read this one myself, I can't comment on the book. However, I do know that it's the third book in the Ivy & Bean series, and The Girl hasn't yet read the first book, though she owns it. Reading them out of order didn't seem to affect her enjoyment.
Ivy & Bean Break the Fossil Record
written by Annie Barrows and illustrated by Sophie Blackall
Reviewed by The Girl (age 8)
This book is about two little girls named Ivy and Bean. Bean was in class one day. She was bored out of her mind. The teacher gave her a book called "The Amazing Book of World Records."
Ivy and Bean looked at the book together. They wanted to break a record. They tried many things, only 1 worked. They broke the fossil record. I liked the part when Ivy tried putting straws in Bean's mouth.
Disclosure: The Girl received a copy of Ivy & Bean Break the Fossil Record as a gift.
very cute....I loved helping her with the large dino words--like Ichthyosaurus--in this book when she started reading it for the 24-hour read-a-thon.
I'm glad she finished it...now she has to read the others in this cute series...I knew she'd like them.
What a great review. Tell The Girl that I enjoyed it.
Is this the same Annie Barrows that wrote Guernsey?
Serena: She only read 1 page during the read-a-thon, but when she picked it up again, she finished it in 2 days.
Ti: Thanks! I'll definitely tell her. And yes, that's the same Annie Barrows. I read the author blurb on my copy of Guernsey when I pulled it out for the read-a-thon.
Great review. I just love the cover too.
OK, now you know I'm dieing to know WHY Ivy tried putting straws in Bean's mouth! Maybe The Girl should join us for Teaser Tuesday, she's already a natural. :)
She is so cute. When I have my kids help with reviews, I practically have to hold a gun to their heads!
Great review! Speaking of records, we were at an event last weekend that tried to break a World Record and my daughter read an entire chapter book on the way there and back.
I'll have to pick this one up for her!
Awwww, how sweet. Leaving her review for you on your pillow. To The Girl: another really great review!
Cute story, It melts your heart when kids leave things for you doesn't it? The Girl wrote a great review. This looks like a cute series for girls.
I can't wait to read some of these books with my grandson! Impressive review from The Girl. Keep up the good work... I can tell she is a pretty amazing girl.
Excellent review by The Girl. Makes me especially want to learn more about the straw part of the story. Sometime I hope to check out the Ivy and Bean series.
I trust any review from The Girl (and her mom) and this sounds like a good one! I love how you tied this book with your reading of The Geurnsey... book. I knew Barrows was a childrens author but I haven't read any of those books yet. I'm going to look for this series now. :)
My girls & I enjoyed Barrows' The Magic Half so much - we really should try these Ivy & Bean books, too. Glad to hear this one was a hit!
Bermudaonion: I like the cover of this one and the others that The Girl owns, too.
Wanda: Right! I asked her about the straws, and she told me I had to read it myself. LOL
Sandy: If I accept a review copy with her in mind, she knows she's going to have to put in her two cents for a review. That's our agreement. But I love it with books like this when she reads them on her own and decides on her own to review them.
Janel: It's so great that we're passing our love of reading on to our kids.
Dar: She's adorable, but I'm not biased or anything. LOL She's thrilled that you and the other commenters enjoyed her review.
Red lady-Bonnie: Thanks! If only they'd leave more cute things around for us. Normally it's just laundry or other things I need to clean up. LOL
Toni: Thanks!
Brimful Curiosities: Thanks! I hope to read the others with her. They sound like fun.
Wrighty: Thanks! Annie Barrows is doing a reading/signing in D.C. in June (I think) and Serena, The Girl, and I hope to all go together.
Darla: We'll have to check out that other Barrows book. Thanks for mentioning it.
You'll have to save the original hand-written review, it could be a collector's item one day!
Thanks to The Girl for a great review! My 11-yr-old son really wants to break a Guiness record.
Dawn: I still have it...somewhere. I'm good about keeping things, but not so good about remembering where I put them! I told The Girl about the Guiness book, and she's fascinated by the idea, too.
Thank you so much for posting/reviewing about Ivy & Bean series!
I thought you’d like to see the new “sneak peak” video for the latest title in the series – Ivy & Bean: Doomed to Dance
Doomed to Dance will be Available November 2009!
Lara Starr: You're welcome! Thanks for the link to the video. I'm sure my daughter will be excited to see it.
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