Monday, May 18, 2009

Mailbox Monday -- May 18

It's time for another Mailbox Monday, hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page, where we share the books we received in the mail, purchased, or otherwise obtained over the last week.

Here are the latest books added to my shelves:

The Late, Lamented Molly Marx
by Sally Koslow (from the author/Random House)

The Last Bridge by Teri Coyne (an unexpected surprise from Random House)

American Eve by Paula Uruburu (from Penguin Group)

The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson (from Hachette)

Flowers for Elvis by Julie Schuster (an unexpected surprise from Bell Bridge Books)

What books did you welcome into your home last week?


Blodeuedd said...

The Koslow book looks good.
Have fun reading

Julie P. said...

We got a few of the same books! Can't wait to hear what you think of them.

Anonymous said...

Quite a few of these look really good. Especially the IT girl one.

BurtonReview said...

What's with the unexpected surprises? LOL I wouldn't mind that!
My mailbox is up at The Burton Review.

Jo-Jo said...

These all look great...I am looking forward to finding out what you think of that Molly Marx sure looks interesting!

bermudaonion said...

Every book you got looks good. I love the cover of Molly Marx.

Kristen said...

Flowers for Elvis and The Late, Lamented Molly Marx look great. Can't wait to see what you think of them.

My mailbox is here:

Ti said...

I've got my eye on The Last Bridge too.

Serena said...

Looks like you got some different books than I did this week. happy reading!

Literary Feline said...

I love the cover for The Last Bridge. You have some great reading ahead of you from the looks of it, Anna. Enjoy!

Darlene said...

You got some good ones there Anna. I'm curious about Flowers for Elvis. It sounds good.

Anonymous said...

What a great book assortment, I am waiting to hear your thoughts on The Last Bridge. Have a great week. :)

gautami tripathy said...

Last Bridge has a great title. You got a good collection of books!

Here is my post

Toni said...

Your books all look Fantastic. Great Haul... I got the Girl Who Stopped Swimming.

Nise' said...

The Last Bridge's cover has me very intrigued! I enjoyed The Girl Who Stopped Swimming.

Kathleen said...

Woohoo! Unexpected suprises are always good!

Marie Cloutier said...

I just started American Eve and am really enjoying it. can't wait to hear what you think! :-)

Mary (Bookfan) said...

I read some really great reviews for American Eve several months ago. Hope you enjoy it!

Bonnie said...

It's always fun to get surprise books isn't it?! I haven't heard of a few of those and the covers are nice. Happy Reading!

Staci said...

Those all look fantastic!!! I love the cover for The Late, Lamented Molly Marx...enjoy them Anna!!

Sandra said...

I got The Girl Who Stopped Swimming this week too. Your others look interesting as well. Enjoy.

Alyce said...

Flowers for Elvis totally has my attention. I've been an Elvis fan for as long as I can remember.

Teddy Rose said...

I really like the cover of The Last Bridge. Enjoy your books.

Unknown said...

You got some nice unexpected surprises, it must feel awesome when that happens. I'll be looking forward to the reviews.

Andi said...

Wow, these all look fantabulous! I've been feeling the urge for some new books on my stacks, but I've been tiding myself over with library books. Although, I do feel a used bookstore spending spree coming on fast since I have a gift card.

Liz said...

I'm deep into non-fiction, oddly enough (I LOVE fiction)! I'm delving into the ADD world with something that is titled something like "You mean I'm not lazy, stupid or ... something else?" (too lazy to look it up for sure). Fits one of my kids to a T! So that's making me crazy because I asked about her TWICE in her middle school/high school career so far... And, as a gift to the daughter of a beloved friend -- and one I'm trying to get one of my kids to read -- a book about how to get a job! OK, lots of people need this! My friend's daughter just graduated from college. Since I'm pushing my own kid, I'm flipping through it too -- what a great bok. Full of lots of great tips to help you land the right job. It's called (for anyone else seeking a grad gift, or looking for their own job) Job Coach for Young Professionals. It will give my friend's daughter some extra insights and help in getting that great (first) job.

Also reading the latest Nora Roberts. "Vision in White." Fun, completely forgettable. ThatMolly Marx looks interesting.

Wrighty said...

I haven't read any of these yet but they all sound good! And how great to get surprises in the mail! I look forward to hearing what you think of these. Enjoy!

Iliana said...

Don't you just love getting new books? I haven't really heard of most of these so looking forward to your reviews :)

CherryBlossomMJ said...

I love those covers! It amazes me what all they can come up with that fits that titles and individual books so well.

Wanda said...

Got curious about 'Flowers For Elvis' so clicked and read the excerpt ... WOWIE — sounds like you're in for a great read with that one!

I spy one we have in common, just received 'The Girl Who Stopped Swimming'...

Unknown said...

Great books, Anna! Enjoy them :-) I have the Molly Marx book coming for me as well. Can't wait to see what you think.

Mari said...

Some really great books. Enjoy. :)

Becca said...

What a great looking bunch! I have been wanting to read The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. American Eve and Flowers for Elvis look good, too! Have fun reading them!

tanabata said...

Unexpected surprises are always nice! The Last Bridge sounds quite good. I look forward to hearing what you think of it. Enjoy your new books. :)

Anna said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by my Mailbox! Unexpected bookish surprises are great, but I really need to break down and buy a new bookshelf. LOL