I'm being very selective about review copies these days and also avoiding book purchases until I clear my shelves a bit. Still, I managed to welcome a new book:
Grace Helen Mowat and the Making of Cottage Craft by Diana Rees and Ronald Rees
This came unexpectedly from Goose Lane Editions and is about a Canadian woman's quest to build a successful knitting, weaving, and rug hooking business. It sounds interesting, and maybe it will prompt me to pick up the knitting needles again.
What books did you welcome into your home recently?
Sounds like a good book to me...you didn't mention the NYC guide you got!
Getting a surprise is so much fun. I hope you enjoy it.
I agree surprises are always fun :) As long it's a nice surprise that is
I love surprises. What fun. I got Columbine and After Etan. I guess I am on a non-fiction kick.
I'm doing the same Anna-I need to slow down some after this month. Still this book does sound interesting. I've had the urge to dig out my knitting needles lately too.
That sounds like a good one! I'm trying to cut back to catch up too. Of course I still had to get two books from the library... I can't resist but it was less than I usually get. Have a great week!
I'm trying to be more selective too. I've found that if I don't get books in the mail though, I usually end up at the used book store hunting for books.
I think I won four giveaways last week. I should have played the Lotto! Actually, my husband just bought a Kindle for Mother's Day/birthday (hasn't arrive in the mail yet, but I can't stand the suspense!), so I am trying not to purchase any more books for awhile. This will be the answer to my prayers during my travels this summer, that add up to over 5 weeks. Can you imagine lugging all those books?
It does sound like an interesting book (I love crafts myself!), especially as it was a surprise. :)
Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi
great book in the mail! Whenever I read about other crafters, it does inspire me to crochet.
It's always nice to get a surprise package in the mail! I don't knit but I love reading about it.
wow.. nice surprise... warning.. if you pick up the needles again you might have to battle within yourself.. do I read or do I knit?? well.. that is where audio books come in... :) Happy Monday.
I checked this book out on the publisher's site - it looks really interesting. Lucky you!
That book totally sounds interesting!! I can only knit, I have problems with purling!!!! But I like to cross-stitch and scrapbook!!
Your pace tires me out Anna! ;O) I don't know how you do it.
I hope the new book you received is good, can't wait to hear your review.
I just wanted to let you know that linking to my review of Irretrievably Broken is just fine.
This sounds very interesting, it's fun to get surprises in the mail. I am trying to be selective as well and refocus a bit in order to catch up on the backlog of books piling up.
Sounds like a book you will really enjoy, Anna.
Serena: Oops! Guess I forgot one. LOL
Bermudaonion: Thanks!
Blodeuedd: Very true!
Nicole: Hope you enjoy your new books!
Dar: I'd love to see some of your knitted projects.
Wrighty: Sometimes it's just too hard to say no. I think we could be addicted to worse things than books. :)
Alyce: I'm itching for a library sale myself. ;)
Sandy: You're on a roll! I've been trying to cut down on books I bring on vacation. Last time, I brought 3 and only read a few pages from 1. lol
Wendi: I can't wait to find time to read it. Crafts are a lot of fun.
Naida: I wish I could crochet. I've tried to teach myself to no avail.
Belle: The surprise package sure made my day!
Toni: I find ways to read and knit simultaneously. Now that I have the Book Buddy, it should be easier. :)
Gwendolyn: Thanks! At first I wasn't sure what to think of it, but when I looked at the pictures in the middle of the book, I wanted to drop everything and stop reading.
Staci: It took me a while to figure out purling. I'm self-taught, and I just kept taking those how-to knitting books out of the library until one of the purling pictures finally made sense. LOL
Dawn: I knew you'd be interested in that one. I'll let you know.
Alyce: Thanks!
Red lady-Bonnie: I hope to catch up in a couple of months, and I hope you do, too. :)
Wanda: I hope so. Thanks!
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