Only 2 for me this time, as I'm accepting fewer books these days.

Sacred Hearts by Sarah Dunant (an unexpected package from Random House)

Holly's Inbox by Holly Denham (aka Bill Surie) -- This one came from the author. I've been dying to read it, so I couldn't turn it down. I just peeked into it on Friday night...and now I'm more than halfway through this 665 page book. It's addicting!
What books did you welcome into your home recently?
Holly's Inbox seems to be in a lot of mailboxes, but alas, not in mine. I hope you enjoy it. i didn't realize it was that many pages. Wow!
My mailbox is here Have a great week and happy reading.
Holly's inbox does seem like the book I would enjoy :)
Happy reading
I see Holly's Inbox in so many blogs!
Mondays: Musings/Mailbox/Whereabouts
And that's an awesome book I'm hoping (Dunant)
Mine is up at The Burton Review
Both look like great books (Which is good since I have both of them here myself!). Enjoy your reads.
I can't wait to borrow Holly's Inbox!
Lucky lucky you to get Sacred Hearts in an unexpected package! Enjoy your books!
I'm glad to see Holly's Inbox is addicting, because it is huge!
I'm looking forward to Sacred Hearts. I hadn't expected to get a copy either--but who am I to complain? It's a book I really want to read anyway. :-)
Holly's Inbox is a new title for me, at least until this week. It's popping up in a lot of people's mailboxes. It sounds interesting!
I hope you enjoy the two new editions to your library! :)
Both great books Anna! I'll be reading this as well and can't wait.
I really enjoyed Holly's Inbox and so I hope you do too. I look forward to reading your thoughts on the book. Happy reading!
I haven't read either one of those but they sound good. Enjoy them!
Sacred Hearts is certainly making the rounds - I have a copy too! can't wait to read it and then see what you guys thought of it too!
Have a good week!
I've got Sacred Hearts too and now I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Holly's Inbox...new book to me!!
I'm looking forward to reviews for Sacred Hearts!
I unexpectedly got a copy of Sacred Hearts too! I've been meaning to read some of her work, so I guess this will be a good place to start. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!
I have to read HOLLY'S INBOX if for not other reason than it's chick lit written by a man!
I loved Holly's Inbox. Bill Surie is a gem of an author!
I reviewed it if you're interested.
I hope all is well with you!
I got Sacred Hearts too. Looks AWESOME- I read the first few pages and I think it's going to be great.
I enjoyed Holly's Inbox and was surprised by how quickly I read it. Hope you like it!
wow! The Holly's Inbox book cover is so cute!
And i have read good reviews about the 1st one as well!
I'm looking forward to your review of the Dunant book. I've read a couple of her earlier books and really liked them, although I didn't care for the Courtesan one. I hope this latest will be enjoyable.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by my Mailbox!
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