Anyway...it's time for another Mailbox Monday (a big thanks to Marcia from The Printed Page for hosting), when bookish folk spill the beans about their book addiction...er...list the titles they received in the mail, purchased, or otherwise obtained over the last week.
The review copies are trickling to a halt here at Diary of an Eccentric, which is a good thing. Believe me, there's no shortage of reading material in my house.
I received two books in the mail last week:

Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange (from Sourcebooks)
I couldn't wait to read this book, so I borrowed Serena's ARC right after she finished reading it. And the day I finished it, the mailman delivered a finished copy, which I gave to Serena in lieu of her real birthday present (which she will receive tomorrow) because she was dying for a finished copy.

Dancing With Ana by Nicole Barker (from the author)
I don't read too many YA novels, but this one about eating disorders sounds worth checking out.
What books did you welcome into your home recently?
As if I wouldn't find out about you telling people to wish me a happy birthday! LOL Thanks for the finished copy of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre! I will reread it eventually.
Hope you are having fun at the office without me.
Looks like a lovely mailbox week for you this week.
Thanks for the heads up on Serena's b'day. I'm off to wish her a happy one. Enjoy your new books. My MM is here
Ohhh Mr Darcy, vampyre, that one sounds sooo good :D
Have fun
They look good. Enjoy!
Both sound good! Have a great reading week!
Mondays: Musings/Whereabouts
I wished Serena a happy birthday and told on you ..
and you and I are in the same boat, actually doing a happy dance as the ARC's should cease to appear. Weee!
My mailbox is at The Burton Review, have a great day!
Good week - I just read Dancing with Ana last night and loved it. I want to read Mr. Darcy, Vampyre - I keep seeing that around.
Oooh, I'll have to pop over and wish Serena a Happy Birthday. Both good books Anna. I loved Mr. Darcy, Vampyre. It was great. I'm supposed to be getting the other one as well. Review copies have really slowed down here as well. I want to get caught up on what I already have.
Ah ha! Serena was probably thinking she could slip through the day without being noticed! Ha! Dancing with Ana, even for the cover, is something I will need to get my hands on!
I just finished Dancing With Ana and enjoyed it very much...it is a great book!
Great book Anna!
I stopped on over to wish Serena a happy birthday!
It looks like you got some interesting books! Thanks for the heads up on Serena's birthday...he he he
I'm reading Mr. Darcy, Vampyre. So far, it's not thrilling me. So sweet of you to give your copy to Serena! I keep my list of received books in the bedroom, so I never know what I've gotten in the mailbox, but I have Italian for Beginners by Krisin Harmel in front of me -- that's one I know I got in the mail, last week. It looks really fun!
I haven't heard of Dancing with Anna, but would be interested in how the author handles the serious subject matter.
I so want to read the Darcy book!!!
Happy Birthday Serena!!!
They both look amazing, I hope you enjoy reading them! Oh and Happy Birthday Serena! :)
Mr. Darcy looks cute :-)
I've read good reviews of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre - I hope you enjoy it!
I want to read Mr. Darcy, Vampyre! I was just thinking of going to B&N and buying a copy before my trip on Thursday!
Thanks for visiting my blog, Anna! Your mailbox looks interesting. Mr. Darcy, Vampyre simply must go into my to read list. :)
Mr. Darcy, Vampyre sounds fun! I'm trying to win it!
They sound good! Enjoy your books.
I'm really late getting around to checking out everyone's mailboxes this week! You got some really interesting selections this week, I look forward to seeing what you think of all of them! My mailbox is here.
Thanks for stopping by my mailbox! I'm happy you all bombarded Serena with birthday wishes. :)
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