In Horrid Henry's Underpants:
"Horrid Henry Eats a Vegetable" -- Horrid Henry's parents always wish he was like his younger brother, Perfect Peter. Peter loves vegetables -- even more than candy. To persuade Henry to eat his vegetables, his parents bribe him. If he eats all of his vegetables every day for five days, they'll take him to his favorite restaurant, complete with greasy fried foods and televisions. Of course, Henry has no plans to eat his vegetables, and he goes beyond the stick-them-in-your-napkin routine I pulled as a kid.
"Horrid Henry's Underpants" -- This is the funniest story in the two books, and of course, kids will get a kick out of the use of the word "underpants" in the title and throughout the story. Henry's great aunt has always thought he was a girl named Henny, and she sends him a gift -- frilly, flowery girl underpants. Unfortunately for Henry, he accidentally wears them to school on a day when he overslept, and he has to figure out how to get rid of them before the kids in his class find out.
"Horrid Henry's Sick Day" -- Horrid Henry doesn't like that Perfect Peter is sick and staying home from school. He'd rather stay home and watch tv, too, so he pretends to be sick. His plan backfires when his parents fall ill, and they need some TLC. Of course, Henry doesn't want to help.
"Horrid Henry's Thank You Letter" -- Horrid Henry, the greedy, rude child that he is, obviously has better things to do than write thank you letters for the Christmas gifts he received. After all, he doesn't like most of them. So why should he thank the giver? Henry decides to write some "No, thank you" letters, and figuring that people would pay for his services, he takes on the job of writing "thank you" letters for his classmates. I bet you can imagine how well that turns out.
In Horrid Henry and the Scary Sitter:
"Horrid Henry Tricks and Treats" -- Henry does a horrid, horrid thing to Perfect Peter and is forced to stay home with his father while his mother and Peter go trick-or-treating. But when Henry's classmates ring the bell and show up with their bulging bags of candy, Henry has no intention of missing out on the goodies -- especially since his parents are passing out fruit and walnuts as treats.
"Horrid Henry and the Scary Sitter" -- It's understandable why Henry's parents can't find a babysitter willing to watch Henry more than once. Henry is outraged when his parents hire Rabid Rebecca, who expects the boys to be in their pajamas and ready for bed hours before their usual bedtime. But even though Rebecca is mean and wants the children out of her sight so she can watch ballroom dancing, Henry won't give up until he has her trained -- giving him rule of the house.
"Horrid Henry's Raid" -- Horrid Henry and Perfect Peter's Purple Hand fort is raided by Moody Margaret and Sour Susan, who insist Henry is responsible for emptying the cookie tin in their Secret Club tent. Thus begins a back-and-forth battle to annihilate their enemies' clubhouses.
"Horrid Henry's Car Journey" -- Horrid Henry would rather attend Rude Ralph's birthday party than the christening of his baby cousin, Vomiting Vera. So he decides to make the long car trip unbearable for his parents in the hopes that they will turn around and let him attend the birthday party.
Horrid Henry and his antics are amusing to a point. He truly is the brattiest kid I've ever seen in a children's book, and his actions are funny because they are so outrageous. However, after reading eight stories of Henry is his horrible glory, I was exhausted and so thankful that my daughter is well behaved and genuinely kind. I understand that the books are supposed to be funny, but it bothers me that Henry's parents will tell him to stop being horrid and sometimes even send him to his room without doing much else to change his attitude or his behavior. Some of the things he does are downright unacceptable and truly mean, and while some of his actions backfire, sometimes there are no consequences.
Yet at the same time, the Horrid Henry books are meant to be funny, ridiculous, and entertaining. If your child, like mine, is mature enough to separate entertainment from appropriate "real life" behavior, that's great. Because you certainly wouldn't want your kids getting any ideas from Horrid Henry! While reading these books, The Girl would say "Uh, oh, he's going to be in trouble" or "Henry's really mean" or "I'd never do that. I'd be grounded forever." I thought her reactions were funny, and they also made me happy that at least I've successfully taught her right from wrong.
After we finished the books, she went upstairs to jot down her thoughts. When I read her review, I just about died laughing. Here are The Girl's (age 9) thoughts on the books:
Perfect Peter is perfect, but I think he's a little tattletale. My favorite story was "Horrid Henry's Underpants." His aunt thinks he is a girl so she gets him girly underwear. My favorite part was when he couldn't get dressed for gym because he was going commando, and the teacher said it was his lucky day because she found some spare underwear in the boy's bathroom, and it's the same underwear he started out with. I don't like how Henry gets away with everything. I think he should be punished until he's in college.
Too funny!! Anyway, if you're interested in seeing for yourself just how horrid Henry is, you're in luck. Courtesy of Sourcebooks, I have a copy of Horrid Henry and The Mummy's Curse to give away.
I put The Girl in charge of the rules for this giveaway, and because Halloween is coming soon, she wants you to leave a comment telling her your biggest fear. Please make sure to include your e-mail address with your comment.
Since the publisher is handling shipping, this giveaway is restricted to the United States. The giveaway will end Sunday, Nov. 8 at 11:59 EST.
Disclosure: We received free copies of Horrid Henry's Underwear and Horrid Henry and the Scary Sitter from Sourcebooks for review purposes.
My biggest fear is drowning. I hope I get this book!
savvyverseandwit AT gmail DOT com
maybe I'll get hubby to enter too!
My biggest fear is snakes. I've almost stepped on two of them over the last few months! I think they like picking on me:)
I love The Girl's perspective on these books and I'm surprised she knows the term "going commando," since Carl just learned it last year! My biggest fear is heights! milou2ster(at)gmail.com
The Girl's review almost made me ruin my keyboard (which might be a good thing; it's got most of a cat stuck in it).
Definitely enter me for this; my greatest fear is being an Old Woman with Books. Not cats. Books. *grin*
And I've posted this at Win a Book for you, too. Of course.
susan at westofmars dot com
I so loved The Girl's thoughts on this series!!! Too fun!!! Don't enter me :)
spiders,disease,being poor,,thx for contest
These totally sound hilarious. I am terrified of snakes but my biggest fear is losing one of my children.
whitreidsmama at yahoo dot com
No need to enter me.. I loved the reviews! Keep up the good work. Yikes I am too chicken to face my biggest fear today! :)
ahhha... i love the covers :-) and thank you to The Girl for reviewing this with Anna.
Dnt enter me but my biggest fear is heights.
Great review by the young lady and I like her question! I am very afraid of tornadoes. This book would be enjoyed by our family!
Many thanks, Cindi
My biggest fear - since I was a little child - is being locked in a store after it closes. I have had nightmares about the lights going out and no one knows that I am still inside. I never push my luck with closing times!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
My biggest fear is going somewhere with no clothes on. Ok..let me explain. Have you ever had that dream where you are at school and forgot to get dressed?? Well, I know it could not happen but still YIKES!!!!
My biggest fear is high places and curvy roads with big drop offs and no guard rails.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
~Serena: Drowning is a scary thing, which is why I don't swim much. You should get hubby to enter. I bet he'd find these books hilarious!
~Janel: I absolutely despise snakes. I saw one while hiking on a camping trip and I ran far, far away. Unfortunately, I left my daughter in the dust. Everyone still teases me about that episode!
~bermudaonion: I have problems with heights, too, though not as bad these days. I died laughing when I saw she used the phrase. I guess there are worse things she could be saying, though I hope she doesn't insert the phrase into everyday conversation!
~Susan: I'm glad you enjoyed it. She's certainly proud of it! I figure if you're going to be old and alone, you may as well have books. ;)
~Staci: She's certainly a character!
~Anonymous: I share some of those fears, too.
~Kristen: That's a major fear for all mothers, I think.
~Toni: Thanks!
~Veens: Thanks!
~windycindy: Tornadoes are scary! I hope I never encounter one.
~BUSY BEE: I hope that never happens to you!
~Paula: I've had those dreams, too.
~Nancye: I have dreams about those things and they are terrifying!
Thanks to everyone who's entered so far!
I loved reading The Girl's comments.
My biggest fear is that someone's hiding behind the shower curtain. Silly, I know, but I still have to check everytime I go into a bathroom.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I am afraid of drowning, but my biggest fear is fear itself. If you let fear rule your life than you are trapped. I believe faith conquers fear.
I am afraid of heights!
~carolsnotebook: I think a lot of our fears are silly, but we still have them. I get scared when I'm by myself downstairs and locking up the house. When I shut off the lights, I run up the stairs. I don't know if I'm afraid of a ghost or what...
~plb8156: I agree.
~lag123: You're not alone!
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. The winner will be announced soon!
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