Although my father is no longer with us, I want to thank him today, on Veteran's Day. He was an MP in the Air Force in Vietnam, and he was proud to have served his country.
I hope you will take a minute to read the essay I wrote about him last year, "Memories From the Daughter of a Vietnam Veteran," which Mrs. Lieutenant author Phyllis Zimbler Miller posted on her blog.
And I hope you will take a minute to remember the sacrifices of the men and women who fought and died for our country over the years and to thank those who continue to serve our country.
I only wish I had been old enough and wise enough when my father was still alive to tell him how proud I am of him.
Now I'm crying! I'm sure he knows how much you appreciate what he did for you!
I read your essay. It was very touching and left me with tears in my eyes. Thanks for the reminder.
On a side note, my dad died when I was 23. I wish I had known him as an adult, you know.
I was lucky enough to get to talk to my dad this morning and I told him that I appreciate the sacrifices both he and my mother made while he served in the military.
I am grateful for all the veterans who have served this country and all of us who live here. And for their families, too. And I am sure your father knows how proud you are of him. ((hugs))
I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your father's story.
Anna --
I just tweeted a shortened URL to this post ( to share your moving post with my followers on Twitter.
I'm thinking of your Dad and what he gave to his country!!
Your father knows that you loved him and it is sad that you couldn't ask him about his experiences. He'll watch over you always.
I remember that essay and it was a great way to pay tribute to your father.
What a lovely post. I still miss my dad after 20 years! And I never said to him what I wanted. If I could go back, I'd probably still be too shy. I just have to hope somehow he knew. Thanks for your post(s)!
What a nice tribute to your father and other veterans.
Now I will read your Vietnam essay.
This is a lovely post, Anna. I am lucky enough to still have my father with me, but I lost my grandfather a few years ago and have always felt that I should have talked to him more about his experiences. Thank you to your dad, and to so many other people, who have done so much for everyone else in the world.
Beautiful post and a beautiful essay, Anna. Thanks for sharing, and happy Veteran's Day.
thanks for posting this today Anna.
I am sure your Dad is up there smiling at you and saying that he knows that you are really proud of him :) and I am sure he will be very proud of you too...
Take care!
Thanks for the link also. It was a very touching and very revealing essay on how you grew up. My condolences for your father and all the vets. Having grown up with vets all my life (although my father wasn't one) I think of vets all the time. Especially when the younger generation enlists to continue in the tradition of defending this country.
P.S. Parents have a way of knowing their kids. I'm positive your father knew very well how proud you were of him :D
I lost my dad in May 2002. The pain is just as raw. No day goes by when I don't think of him or when I don't miss him.
I send hugs to you.
I will go and read your essay. Thanks for the link.
Wonderful post! My dad served in Vietnam also. I feel so lucky that he came home safely and now lives just down the street from me.
Happy Belated Verteran's Day!
This was very touching. Thank you for sharing the story.
Thank you, everyone. All of your comments mean so much to me. :)
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