Monday, December 7, 2009

Mailbox Monday -- December 7

Happy Monday!  It's a cold morning in my neck of the woods, having received the first snowfall over the weekend.  But talk of books always warms me up, and today marks another installment of Mailbox Monday.  Marcia from The Printed Page hosts this weekly meme, with book lovers taking note of the books they received for review, purchased, or otherwise obtained in the past week.  Here are the books that were added to my shelves:

For review:

The Glass Room by Simon Mawer, from Other Press LLC

The Lotus Eaters by Tatjana Soli, for an upcoming TLC tour

Don't Know Where, Don't Know When (The Snipesville Chronicles Book 1) by Annette Laing, from the author

A Different Day, A Different Destiny (The Snipesville Chronicles Book 2) by Annette Laing, from the author


From giveaways:

 Night by Elie Wiesel

The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent

From a co-worker:

Wait Until Twilight by Sang Pak

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger

The Girls by Lori Lansens

The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank


What books did you add to your shelves recently?


Mary (Bookfan) said...

I thought Night was a good book.
Have a great week!

Serena said...

I still don't have my own copy of night..funny isn't it?! Ah well...looks like some great books. Happy reading. We can compare notes on Sang Pak.

DCMetroreader said...

Night is a classic! Enjoy your books!

Ti said...

I was clearing out my bookshelves the other day and found Peace Like a River. I have had it for quite some time and totally forgot about it but it seems like it is making the rounds again.

Missy B. said...

What a great mailbox! I didn't receive any last week....

Enjoy them!

bermudaonion said...

You had a great week! The only book we got in common is The Glass Room. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

All of these books look wonderful. I have read "Night" Reading about his life is beyond words. He's a very brave, compassionate man.

Suko said...

What a bounty!

Toni said...

Very nice Mailbox. I'd love to read Peace Like a River. A one year reading slump has left me with so many must reads. Enjoy your books.

Beth(bookaholicmom) said...

Night is one of those books you never forget. I so want to read The Heretics Daughter and The Lotus Eaters. Enjoy all your books!

Sandy Nawrot said...

Some of these are looking familiar! That Wait Until Twilight really looked goooood. Creepy good.

Blodeuedd said...

I have heard good things about some of those, others are new to me. Happy reading

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Oh, I loved Peace Like a River!

Marce said...

I just added The Girls to my TBR list.

Alyce said...

Wait Until Twilight caught my eye a while back but I haven't read it yet.

Staci said...

Wow...awesome mailbox. I loved Night but it broke my heart.

Anonymous said...

I know, it's an unforgettable book.

Veens said...

wow! u have some great books!

Jo-Jo said...

These all look great but The Lotus Eaters has especially caught my eye lately. Enjoy!

gautami tripathy said...

I envy you!

Happy reading!

Ladytink_534 said...

It was freezing here but now it's back in the 60s. I read Night in high school and from I remember I really liked it. Looks like lots of good books, happy reading!

Carrie said...

Oh! Make sure I find out what you think about the Snipesville books! =) (I just subscribed to your blog so I can find out for myself but still!)

And thanks for the link up re: Franklin & Winston!

Luanne said...

Well I've read The Heretic's Daughter and really liked it.
But I'm very excited that you received a Lansens - she is my all time fav author!

Darlene said...

Looks like some great books Anna. Enjoy. It's freezing cold here right now with lots of snow.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

WOW got lots of great looking books there. The Glass Room is on my 2010 reading list! ENJOY!

bookmagic said...

The Heretic's Daughter was so good!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

HI Anna - we got our first snow too and today is 10 degrees. Blah!

You got some good books. We are reviewing The Heretics Daughter at my blog on Dec 20th. Feel free to join in. :)

wisteria said...

I loved Peace Like a River and Heretics Daughter. I posted reviews for both. I have read Night..profound and inspiring. Hope you love your books.

Anna said...

Thank you all for stopping by my mailbox! I've already read "Night" so look forward to my review next week (I hope...I seem to be behind these days because of work and all the holiday preparations).