Meanwhile, Christmas preparations have taken over my life, so those book reviews I'd hope to post yesterday and today were brushed aside. We're having a quiet Christmas Eve at home. The Girl is decorating the sugar cookies we made this afternoon...I'm not allowed in the kitchen because she wants to do the decorating all by herself, and I really wish I had a camera so you could see how great they look. In an hour or so, we'll snuggle on the couch and read The Night Before Christmas, and after she drifts off to sleep, I'll finish the wrapping I wanted to do over the weekend but couldn't because I had to shovel 80 bazillion feet of snow instead. Tomorrow afternoon, Serena and her husband are coming over for dinner, and The Girl will finally be able to give Serena the special gift she bought a couple of weeks ago. The Girl has such a big heart, and while she's like any other kid and loves receiving gifts, she loves giving even more.
But the real reason for this post is to wish all of you who celebrate a very Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with warmth and love, and I hope you get to spend the holiday with the people you love the most.
Oh Anna! I wanna see all your snow! ;O) Gosh I feel for you, we're just getting rain here for now. Santa will still find you though I'm sure!
Have a Very Merry Holiday with your family! Wish I could taste those cookies...yummm
Many Hugs!! And BIG Congrats on the new Laptop!! I know you need it with how busy you are! Take Care!!
Merry Christmas, Anna. Enjoy your new laptop. :)
Woohoo! I'm glad you were able to get a new laptop--and just in time for Christmas. :-)
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, Anna.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. Have a lovely holiday with your family!
Merry Christmas and see you later today!
Merry Christmas Anna! Have a wonderful time with your family and Serena's! Enjoy that laptop, what a sweet hubby!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! It sounds like you're having a wonderful day. I've always known The Girl was a special young lady. (I sure would like to see her cookies!)
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you all have a lovely time with Serena and her family, and I hope we get to see some pictures next week! :--)
Merry Christmas to you, your hubby and The Girl! ♥ Jeannie
Have a Merry Christmas, Anna!
Oh what a great present! Hope you guys have a wonderful time celebrating Christmas. Sounds like it'll be a blast :)
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas day!
What a lovely Christmas gift - and I know you will enjoy it immensely!
I look forward to seeing pictures of those decorated sugar cookies :)
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas :)
Have a lovely holiday
Great gift
Stopping by to wish you good cheer! Congrats on the new laptop. Hope you have a great holiday.
Merry merry...Wisteria
Ah, glad you got a steal on a laptop! I think I'm going to have to get myself one as a post-Christmas gift for myself, so I hope I can find a decent price, too.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!! :)
Way to go on the laptop! That is the best gift a blogger could get! I know I couldn't be happier with mine. You have a sweet little girl, you know that! You always know you must be doing something right when you see them growing up to be loving, caring little people! Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas with your family!
Merry Christmas Anna!
Congratulations of your Christmas laptop - what a great gift! Hope you and your family have had a fine Christmas Day :-)
Very Merry Christmas.
Enjoy your spanking new laptop! And have a blessed weekend with your family! :)
A very Merry Christmas to you, Anna! Congrats on the laptop. I KNOW you'll enjoy it!
Oh laptops are awesome. I've pretty much blocked the dark ages from when I didn't have one from my memory.
Hope you had an exceptionally happy holiday this year :)
Merry Christmas and woo hoo on the laptop! :)
I hope you had a wonderful celebration!
Congrats on the new laptop -- yay for a great deal!
Woohoo! what a great gift Jerry! Enjoy!!
Anna! I am so happy about your new laptop. That means that the posts will keep coming ;)
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It's been great here in Southern Calif. It's been cook but sunny and blue. Today is a bit gloomy but a spectacular weekend nonetheless.
Merry Christmas to you. Congrats on the laptop. I have one now also and it is so much more speedy than my old pc. Nice to zip through my reader and flip around all of the great blogs.
Sounds like a snuggle and a read of Twas the Night before Christmas is just the perfect thing to do with a sweetie girl.
Hope your holiday continues to be Merry and Bright.
Yay for a new laptop! Merry Christmas!
New laptop--YESSSS!! I recdeived a Bluetooth-enabled mouse for my netbook. (I'm sitting here breaking it in.)
Merry Christmas, Anna!
A new laptop! very exciting. Happy Holidays
Congrats on your new laptop. I LOVE mine and spend an obscene amount of time on it. Merry (belated) Christmas. By the way, I signed on as a follower.
Hope you had a great Christmas!
YAY for new laptops! That's what my mom-in-law got for Christmas from us - apparently it's a crowd pleaser. =) Hope your holiday was wonderful.
Thanks for the wishes-although The GRinch is here-I am stuck in Canada-I went nowhere today except for moving in a line at the airport.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!! Congrats on the new laptop!
Merry Christmas, Anna!
I just read your post-holiday post and saw The Girl's decorated cookies - yum! I'm sorry to hear that she was sick at the end of the day, and hope that she's fully recovered to enjoy the break from school.
Best to you and your family in the New Year.
I'm so excited for you and your new laptop!!! It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful holiday!!
Congrats on the new laptop :)
Anna...sounds like a perfect holiday...snow...laptop, wow lucky you!
I see you finally got your laptop-yahoooooo! I'm happy for you.
I know I'm really late in responding to these comments, but I wanted to thank you all for stopping by and wishing me and my family a Merry Christmas. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!
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