In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my latest "chat" with Abigail, and I'd like to thank her for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer my questions.
How many times have you read Pride and Prejudice?
I don’t think I can count that high. At least twenty times cover to cover, and far more when I read just a segment. I know the story so well that I can jump in on any page.
Do you plan to add to your Pemberley Variations series? What are you working on now?
I have so many ideas for Pemberley Variations that I’ll probably keep writing them as long as I can keep them fresh and different. I just finished the first draft of a new variation where the twist is that Elizabeth refuses to read Darcy’s letter, and therefore remains in ignorance of Wickham’s perfidy and Darcy’s virtues. It makes their meeting at Pemberley rather exciting!
How do you feel about the plethora of Pride and Prejudice sequels out there? Any thoughts on the paranormal Austen sequels?
Personally, I’m delighted to see so many sequels out there, both published and self-published, and I’ve read a great many of them. It’s evidence that we can’t get enough Jane Austen! I enjoy seeing the different takes from different writers. In addition, the Paranormals are an interesting twist. I think of it as Twilight meets Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is on my to-read list, and I’m curious to see what’s next. We have P&P zombies, vampires, and werewolves so far – what’s next?
Besides Pride and Prejudice what other books do you find yourself re-reading?
My comfort-food reading is pretty varied, from YA to historicals to fantasy. The pile I couldn’t live without includes The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth Speare, The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley, the highly underrated Beacon at Alexandria by Gillian Bradshaw, and Jaran by Kate Elliott. Characters from all those books live in my head.
What do you enjoy doing when you're not writing?
I love to read, of course, and I like to bead, despite having no talent whatsoever at making jewelry. I enjoy spending time with my 18-year-old daughter who has a great sense of humor and is always introducing me to new experiences. Although I haven’t been able to travel much since having kids, visiting new places is one of my favorite things in the world.
Thanks for inviting me!
Thanks, Abigail! I wish you much success, and I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.
In this sexy Jane Austen sequel, Elizabeth Bennet accepts Mr. Darcy's first marriage proposal, answering the "What if...?" question fans everywhere have pondered
"I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry."
Famous last words indeed! Elizabeth Bennet's furious response to Mr. Darcy's marriage proposal has resonated for generations of readers. But what if she had never said it? Would she have learned to recognize Mr. Darcy's admirable qualities on her own? Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy follows Elizabeth and Darcy as they struggle to find their way through the maze of their prejudices after Elizabeth, against her better judgment, agrees to marry Darcy instead of refusing his proposal.
Two of the most beloved characters in English literature explore the meaning of true love in a tumultuous and passionate attempt to make a success of their marriage.
About the Author
Abigail Reynolds is a physician and a lifelong Jane Austen enthusiast. She began writing The Pemberley Variations series in 2001, and encouragement from fellow Austen fans convinced her to continue asking “What if…?” She lives with her husband and two teenage children in Madison, Wisconsin. For more information, please visit http://pemberleyvariations.com/.
Would you like to read Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World? Well, you're in luck! Sourcebooks is offering 2 copies to my readers! All you have to do is leave a comment with your e-mail address.Because the publisher is shipping the books, this giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada readers only. The giveaway will run through Sunday, Jan. 31 at 11:59 EST.
Great interview Anna! I loved this book too and I do really enjoy Ms. Reynolds writing. I got your message about Pemberly at Sea on my blog and I will definitely read this too. I like to hear the what authors select as their favorite books. It tells me a lot about them.
Wow! I don't think I've ever read any book 10 times, let alone 20!
No need to enter me, since I have this one already. I will post this in my sidebar contest list for you!
Loved the interview, and looks like she has some good books on her list of reading.
~Wisteria: Thanks! I hope you enjoy Pemberley by the Sea, too.
~bermudaonion: Right! I think the most I've re-read a book is 4 times, and 2 of the 4 times were for classwork!
~Serena: Thanks! I remember reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond ages ago, but don't remember any of the particulars.
I think it's interesting that authors frequently name Witch of Blackbird Pond as a favorite YA book. I have not yet any of the Jane Austen variations, but I'd love to try this one. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have not read any variations either but I have just committed to re-reading P&P - I read it in HS but not as an adult.
Thanks for entering me.
Great interview. I haven't read many of the sequels, yet.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
By the way, I have an award for you. http://carolsnotebook.wordpress.com/2010/01/21/awards-5/
~Linda: This would be a good one to start with!
~Booksync: I hope to re-read P&P soon, too!
~carolsnotebook: Thanks for the award! That's so kind!
Nice post, oh this is a one I should tell my library to get. I can't be the only one wondering what if that what if ;)
Oh, I love me some Jane Austen spin-offs!
I liked this interview and I won this book from Serena's giveaway!!
I loved Pemberley by the Sea, so I will definitely have to read the new book.
I loved to read that Abigail is a beader too :)
that's a terrific interview. I've never read a single book that many times- i think i've read possession maybe five or six times at the most!
No need to enter me Anna. Just popping in to say this is posted at Win a Book for you.
I'd love to win this!!
Great interview! Please enter me!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Please enter me!
Fun interview!
I'd love to win this book. :)
Looks like a good book, please enter me into this drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
~Dar: Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.
Awesome! I would love a copy. baileythebookworm at gmail dot com
I would absolutely LOVE a copy of this book. It is my all time favorite genre....it looks amazing!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.
ooo, i'm going to have to look for pemberley by the sea.
would love to read about fitz too.
vvb32 at yahoo.com
Great interview!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Wow you have rad pride and prejudice more time that you can count. I have never made it through once.
I would love to enter the giveaway. Thanks
I would love to read this book! The cat in the picture at the beginning of the post looks just like my little one! I love my black cat! (Had to share...)
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
Please count me in. Very good interview and makes one want to delve into this book.
I would love the chance to read this. Count me in, please! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Oh me, me, me! Please enter me. :-)
whitreidsmama at yahoo dot com
Interesting Interview. Beacon at Alexandria is a favorite of mine as well.
Mary: Thanks for stopping by to read the interview!
please count me in....thanks
Please enter me!
tradingaddress at gmail dot com
Please count me in and thank you for having this giveaway!
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I'd love to win a copy of this book!
Would love to win this.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered, publicized the giveaway, or just stopped by to read the interview. I really appreciate it.
I will choose the winners via Randomizer.org and announce them shortly.
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