For review:
Penguin Luck by Kay Mupetson, from Meryl L. Moss Media Relations Inc. I couldn't pass this one up when I saw it was about a young professional visited by the ghosts of family members who perished in the Holocaust and want her to "carry on for them" as she juggles her career and romantic life.
Contest wins from Savvy Verse & Wit:
Holocaust Poetry compiled by Hilda Schiff
The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry edited by Jon Silkin
Jane Bites Back by Michael Thomas Ford
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down by Merrill Markoe
What books did you add to your shelves recently?
I like the title, "Walking in Circles Before laying Down." LOL! Enjoy your books.
I am curious about Jane Bites Back. I can't wait to start seeing reviews of it pop up.
I've heard of a few of these. I picked up the box set of Uglies by Westerfeild earlier this week. Happy reading!
Lol, Jane bites back, enjoy that one ;=D
I'll have to borrow some of these books...like Walking in Circles, Jane Bites Back, and the First World War poetry
Just finished JANE BITES BACK! I hope you like it. I need to write my review!
None for me this week, but you got some good ones. Enjoy!
Aww, Walking in Circle Before Lying Down looks sweet. I'll be watching for your review.
All of your new books sound interesting. Penguin Luck looks like a really good read. I'll watch for your review. Happy reading!
Looks like you have some wonderful books that came in. My book club really struggled with Walking In Circles... we had fun reviewing it though. I will be interested in reading your thoughts on it. :)
The poetry books seem especially interesting, Anna. I look forward to your reviews of your first books of 2010.
Enjoy all the books.
It always amazes me when I pop around how there are titles I have never heard of.
I've not heard of any of these books. I'll be looking forward to your reviews!
Enjoy your loot!
I looked up Jane Bites Back. Looks good. Enjoy your new books.
Lots of poetry and holocaust. Interesting mix!
Laura Hartness
The Calico Critic
Jane Bites back sounds great. Great Mailbox. The poetry books seem like a great addition to have to your library. Enjoy.
Thank you all for stopping by my mailbox!
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