Only two books this week, which is fine by me since it's not like there's a shortage of reading material in my house:

Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh, which Kathy from Bermudaonion kindly sent The Girl. Kathy, thank you so much! The Girl has already started reading it!
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith, from FSB Associates. This is a prequel to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and since it's all original writing, I'm hoping I'll like it better.
What books did you add to your shelves recently?
Ahh, Harriet. I LOVED that book. Can't wait for #2 to read it -- or to hear The Girl's thoughts on it, too.
Well those are certainly diverse! Enjoy your new books and have a wonderful week.
Harriet the Spy is a classic!
A belated Happy Birthday to your daughter!
I love Harriet! Enjoy your new books!
Here is my link:
Susan: I'll see whether I can get her to talk about it. You know how kids can be!
DCMetroreader: Thanks, but The Girl's birthday isn't until July. It felt like a birthday, though, with all the excitement of opening a package with her name on it! ;)
Have fun with the new books!
Lol, the zombie PP prequel looks fun
I'm thinking of requesting Dawn of the Dreadfuls. Happy reading! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
Enjoy your new books!
I hope you have good luck with Dawn of the Dreadfuls. I couldn't get into PP&Z, and I think it was because it wasn't much original writing.
Enjoy your new books, Anna. Sometimes getting fewer books is a good thing! :)
Two is good. I got one..:D
Mondays: Musings/Mailbox/Whereabouts
I think that Harriet the Spy is probably more my speed than the Zombie book. :)
Love love love Harriet the Spy. Hope the girl does too! :-)
Harriet brings back such find memories! Enjoy both of your fun books!
I love Harriet! What a great book! I haven't read any of the zombie remakes yet but they sound interesting. Who would have thought to combine those topics? Hope you enjoy them both.
I only got two last week as well and that was fine with me. I don't have a shortage of reading material either!
Maybe I could get my son to read a classic (sort of) now that it has a zombie feel to it!! Enjoy!
These both look and sound great!! Hope you guys enjoy!
Here is mine for the week:
That cover is so funny! I hope you enjoy your new additions!
My mailbox is here.
whoa - how come this is the first I've heard of a prequel to P&P&Z? hmmm, I don't even know why I'm interested (can't.look.away.)
PS did you send me a dm on twitter or did you get -what's the word? spam-corrupted or whatever? just checking! (I haven't opened it...)
I got Dawn of the Dreadfuls, too. I've started it--it's hilarious!
What a coincidence. I just got Harriet the Spy today from Amazon. I figured Amber and I would both enjoy it.
I wanted to BE Harriet when I was a girl; loved the book as a child, loved reading it aloud to my kids.
Will The Girl post her thoughts on it?
Oh dear, there is a prequel to that dreadful book? lol, I really hope you like it though, since you say it's original writing, I'm hoping it's good.
Enjoy your new books and have a wonderful week.
your healthy choice
I'm glad The Girl's book got to her safe and sound - I hope she enjoys it as much as I did.
Love, love, love Harriet the Spy. Hope The Girl girl dos too (you should read it as well). The Zombie book's cover is just ghastly and too creepy for me to have in my house. Gah!
I remember Harriet the Spy! Such a great character and book.
Thank you all for stopping by my mailbox. The Girl started Harriet the Spy as soon as she got it, but it'll be awhile before I'll be able to post her thoughts. She's in one of those phases where she's reading about a bazillion books at once. LOL
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