Welcome to Mailbox Monday, the weekly meme hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page, where book lovers share the titles they purchased, received for review, or otherwise obtained over the past week. Only two books were added to my shelves:

Letter to My Daughter by George Bishop, for a May TLC Book Tour. I've heard so many good things about this book, and it counts for the Vietnam War Reading Challenge, so I can't wait to read it.
What books did you add to your shelves recently?
Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate.
© 2010, Anna Horner of Diary of an Eccentric. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce content without permission.
Congrats on the signed copy of The Things They Carried -- this is a modern classic (IMHO). I loved Letter to My Daughter -- hope you do too!
I hope you enjoy your books. I was really going to save it for your bday, but Easter was closer!
I have Letter to My Daughter...looks like a fast and good read!! Enjoy your books!
I wish my good friends would give me books :) Enjoy both!
Hope you enjoy your books! I liked Letter to My Daughter...
Enjoy! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
Oh those look good! Enjoy your new books!
My mailbox is here.
I loved Letter to My Daugher! I hope you enjoy it also. Happy Reading!
Yeah - Letters to My Daughter is certainly garnering a lot praise which is making me more and more curious! I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it once you get a chance to read it.
What a great gift!
Belated Easter greetings to you Anna and The Girl!
Looks like some great books. Letter to My Daughter sounds sooo good. I'll have to check back for your review.
Happy Easter to you too!
Letter to my Daughter looks amazing!
I loved The Things They Carried. I've read it twice now.
Great mailbox, Anna. I am expecting Letter to My Daughter in the mail.
I haven't yet read The Things They Carried, but I recently listened to an NPR interview with Tim O'Brien, and it was quite emotional. If you're interested, here is a link to the audio and transcript: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=125128156
Serena is a wonderful friend! Enjoy the signed copy and Letter to My Daughter sounds really good. Enjoy.
Happy Easter to your Family Anna! I don't know how you do it. All those books coming in! I'd be swallowed up by now! LOL! ;o)
Congrats on the signed copy of The Things They Carried, I'm jealous! Serena sounds like a pretty awesome friend :-D
What, Serena sure knows how to buy your great gifts! Enjoy your new books!
I loved the book I've read of Tim O'Brian's and that other looks great! Enjoy!
What a nice gift! Letter To My Daughter is an excellent read. I hope enjoy it as much as I did.
Ooh. I want to read The Things They Carried (it might even be in the TBR mountains. I'm not sure off-hand). I just packaged up my copy of Snow Angels to share with a new reader. Tim O'Brien can WRITE.
Oooh, a signed copy! That's a book I've been meaning to read for so long. Enjoy your new acquisitions, Anna :)
Hey Anna! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to talk to you on here via blogger2blogger rather than via work e-mail publicist2blogger, haha!
Letter to My Daughter looks really good - I'll be looking forward to reading your review and hearing your thoughts on that one.
Getting a signed copy of that book was a serious coup. Yay Serena! I've also heard about Letters to My Daughter - I think you need a few tissues to read that one!
Anna...I LOVED both of these books; enjoy
How wonderful to receive that personalized book from SavvyVerse and Wit! A great present, indeed, and an honor to be in the Poetry Month 'slam'.
Waiting for the review of Letter To My Daughter.
Those are two books on my wishlist for your Vietnam War Challenge. What a wonderful surprise from Serena!
I hope you and you family had a lovely Easter (sure sounds like it!)
Very nice gift from Serena! Lucky you.
What a fantastic gift. Happy late Easter to you and yours.
wow.. thats nice! And Letter to My Daughter by George Bishop has been greatly recommended too!
Thank you all for stopping by my mailbox!
Charley: Thanks for the Tim O'Brien link.
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