Every time I re-read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, one of my all-time favorite novels, Mr. Darcy's arrogance for much of the book amuses me, probably because I know how it ends. I've often wondered why some of us are so infatuated with Mr. Darcy, given the insulting things he says to people for much of the book, but for me, I like the idea that love can change people for the better.
In Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart, the latest novel from Beth Pattillo, Claire Prescott wonders the same thing about Mr. Darcy when she attends an Oxford seminar about Pride and Prejudice in place of her pregnant sister, Missy. Claire is in her early 30s and unemployed, and she feels out of place. When she meets James Beaufort, a Manhattan publisher, she's taken aback by his good looks but a little put off by his Darcy-esque arrogance and mood swings. But she can't deny her attraction to him, especially when she thinks about her long-time boyfriend, Neil, a sports fanatic who gets so caught up in watching games that she's not even sure he realizes she's gone to England.
Shortly after arriving at Oxford, Claire meets Harriet Dalrymple, an elderly woman in the early stages of dementia who claims to be related to Jane Austen's family and possesses a secret copy of First Impressions, the manuscript Austen wrote in her early 20s that would later become Pride and Prejudice. Harriet's character is a bright spot in Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart. I couldn't help but chuckle as I visualized her pulling 200-year-old manuscript pages out of various nooks and crannies in her cottage, including the gardening shed. Claire wonders why the story is so much different from the book that is viewed by many as one of the greatest works of literature, and what she reads and learns as she tries to help Harriet figure out what to do with the manuscript just might help her decipher her feelings for Neil and James, patch up her relationship with Missy, and deal with unresolved grief from losing her parents at a young age.
Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart is predictable and not overly emotional or thought-provoking, but it's a fun book that I found difficult to put down. I most enjoyed the storyline involving Harriet, and I loved the book-within-a-book aspect of the story. Reading First Impressions -- a figment of Pattillo's imagination -- along with Claire was the highlight of the book. What happens to the Bennets within its few pages is very different from the Austen novel I know and love, and it made me wonder about the other books I've enjoyed over the years and how they began in the author's mind and changed during the writing process.
However, while I liked Claire, I don't think enough of her relationships with Neil and Missy is shown for me to really be affected by the evolution of her character. The book opens with Claire walking onto the Oxford campus, and readers only know Missy through a couple of quick phone calls and get a glimpse of Neil when he shows up in England to find Claire. Still, I could see what Pattillo wanted to accomplish in creating a character who lives for the people in her life and not for herself, and in some ways, I could even relate to Claire. You don't have to be an Austen fan to enjoy Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart, and although I think it helps to have read Pride and Prejudice to understand how First Impressions differs from it, it's not necessary. Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart is a quick read, perfect for when you need something light and amusing to read between more emotional, heavier books. It was just what I needed at the time.
Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart is the 8th book I've read for the Jane Austen Challenge. I've already completed the requirement for Austen permutations, but I can't help myself!
Disclosure: I received a copy of Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart from Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists for review purposes. I am an Amazon affiliate.
© 2010, Anna Horner of Diary of an Eccentric. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce content without permission.
Sounds like a good quick read for read-a-thon.
Light and amusing is just what I need now and again
Great review. I am looking forward to this one.
Naturally I'm glad to know you liked it as well. As you said - it's just pure fun! It's perfect for such time that you are just looking for some good entertainment. I loved it!
Thanks for the review.
Don't think it's a book for me though.
Sounds like the perfect book for the beach this summer, if I ever make it there.
This Austen spin-off sounds like a fun book to read. Thanks for a great review, Anna!
Glad you enjoyed this book I really enjoyed it too.
GreaT review Anna - I realy enjoyed this book too. I liked the Oxford setting and the lost Austen manuscript storyline. I want to be a 'Formidable' the secret group that protects Austen's supposedly lost letters and manuscripts that Harriet belongs to. ;-)
Anna...sounds like the perfect summer read; thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
Sounds like we felt exactly the same way!
I enjoyed reading this. It was a fun read to me. :)
I love this title so much.
I think those Austen spinoffs are addictive! :-)
Sounds like a fun read for a rainy day or something. I also really like that cover!
Glad you liked it Anna. I love a book like this once in a while - just something you can sit down and enjoy without having to do any heavy thinking.
I agree with much of what you said. I read it in one afternoon and couldn't put it down. Even with the predictable parts, I loved reading it. I also loved Harriet's cottage. I could imagine sipping tea with her.
I so want to read my copy now....I have to get through some upcoming tour books, whittle my library loot down to something manageable, and then start reading those books on my shelves!
I read Jane Austin Ruined My Life which I reviewed here: (http://goldengrasses.blogspot.com/2010/04/mostly-fun-with-fiction.html) Patillo's writing is fast and fun. I just might have to get this one, too. The Jane Asutin challenge sounds fun!
Can you believe that I have NEVER read Jane Austen? SHOCKING, I know! I am going to correct that this year with Pride and Prejudice though.
Great review, Anna! I think I've read another review of this book somewhere... I've not read anything else Austen-related apart from P&P.
*Serena: It surely was.
*Blodeuedd: So true! As much as I like dark, emotional stories, sometimes the get a little depressing.
*Nise': I'll keep an eye out for your review.
*Carrie: Glad to see you felt the same.
*Sullivan McPig: It's definitely not for everyone. I'm not a huge fan of chick lit, but I did enjoy this one.
*bermudaonion: Definitely a good beach read. I hope to make it to the shore myself at some point this summer.
*Suko: I have a lot of fun with the Austen spin-offs. They're my guilty pleasure.
*Alaine: Glad to see you enjoyed it, too.
*Laurel Ann: I think it would be cool to be a Formidable!
*Diane: It makes for a great summer read. Hope you get a chance to read it.
*rhapsodyinbooks: Yes! I think I see a pattern. First Fireworks, then this...LOL
*Melody: Glad to hear you enjoyed it, too. It was a fun book.
*Bybee: Honestly, the title is what attracted me right away.
*Marie: You are right about that!
*Amused: I think the cover is gorgeous!
*Darlene: It definitely needed one of those books during the Read-a-Thon!
*Bekah: I loved Harriet's cottage, too. I wanted it for myself. ;)
*Staci: I think we all have the same problem!
*LaughingLioness: I'll have to read her other book now. Thanks for pointing out your review!
*Jenners: If you only read 1 Austen book ever, you have to read P&P. I'm looking forward to your thoughts.
*Alice: You definitely need to read more Austen, and I hope you give some of the Austen spin-offs a try. ;)
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