The Girl was in awe, just staring at the bright lights while I was trying to keep hold of her hand in the crowds. While I loved the years I spent in Boston during college, I think I'm a country girl at heart. NYC is an interesting place, but it really is too crowded for my tastes.

Although The Girl was fascinated by the wax statue of Robert Pattinson, my favorite picture is of her fluffing Ozzy Osbourne's hair. We entered the darkened hallways of the SCREAM exhibit, which may or may not have been lame...we have no idea, as The Girl dug her fingernails into us and dragged us through there real quick! The best part of Madame Tussaud's was the SpongeBob 4-D movie, which was a 15-20 minute 3-D movie complete with bubbles, mist, vibrating seats, and the smell of pickles (which made Serena hungry for more pickles from Ted's Montana Grill).

Right after the tour, we hurried to The Strand to meet Amanda, Amy, and Trisha, but we were late and they were pretty much done shopping by the time we arrived. It was still nice to chat for a few minutes. We had just enough time to meet the wonderful Lisa Roe for dinner. The Girl absolutely loved her...and of course, the cheese curds and kringle she brought from Wisconsin. Thanks again, Lisa!
Although we picked up our BEA badges on Tuesday and attended one panel session on copyrights, much of the day was spent browsing the city. But on Wednesday morning, the real fun began. While we didn't run into too many bloggers, we had a chance to chat with Wendy and her husband, Kip, Heather, and Lilly and her daughter. We were a bit disappointed to have waited in line in the early morning for tickets to the Joyce Carol Oates signing, only to be given an unsigned book and be told that she might not make it at all. But we didn't let that ruin our day, and we had fun meeting up with publicists we've worked with, such as Paul Samuelson from Sourcebooks and Caitlin Summie from Unbridled Books. I also had a chance to meet Allison Winn Scotch, which was my must-do for BEA. The highlight for The Girl was meeting the Ghost Hunters, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, who signed bound sample chapters of their new book for kids (more on that in my upcoming Mailbox Monday post). That evening, we went to the Algonquin Hotel for the Celebration of Book Bloggers held by HarperCollins, where we mingled for about an hour before deciding to go back to the hotel before we fell asleep standing up.
Many of you know how much The Girl loves R.L. Stine, especially his Goosebumps series of books. Well, Thursday was her favorite day of the trip because she had a chance to chat and have her picture taken with him. They told us he wasn't personalizing the books, but The Girl was pleasantly surprised when he personalized hers after telling him that she has about 60 of his books on her shelf.
We ended our stay in NYC with dinner at Tony's DiNapoli, where we met up with Amanda, Natalie, and Amy. It was a great evening that ended much too soon, but The Girl and I had to catch an early train on Friday morning. Unfortunately, we were unable to attend the Book Blogger Convention, but we had a great time with our family in CT and MA, ending with the wedding of my brother-in-law on Sunday.
I'm sure you're all curious about what books we snagged at BEA, so stay tuned for my upcoming Mailbox Monday post. (It'll be a big one, since I haven't posted books since my sister-in-law's passing at the end of April.) Now that my brain is tired, I'm going to fall asleep on the train during my afternoon commute and hope that I can get back into my regular routine soon.
I'm really behind in reading blogs (sorry!), so to those of you who posted BEA recaps, feel free to include the links to your posts in the comments so I won't miss them! Also, I'd like to thank Serena for providing the photos in this post, as I didn't have a camera with me on the trip.
© 2010, Anna Horner of Diary of an Eccentric. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or reproduce content without permission.
That's a pretty big recap...and I'm still going! Maybe I should stop recapping and just point everyone here.
Serena: I'm enjoying your recaps. I didn't have anything original to say, so I just included pictures from our trip.
Cheese curds?? I am so so jealous! I miss living in Wisconsin so much!
Loved your recap, Anna! It was so nice to meet you. :)
Amanda: It was a pleasure meeting you as well! Oh, those cheese curds were soooo good. After all, cheese is my favorite food group. ;)
Great BEA recap! I swear, I'm never going to get around to doing mine. It was lovely to see you again and meet the girl, and we really need to have some sort of book blogger meetup here soon!
I'm so sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you because I really would have liked to. Things were way more hectic than I had originally thought and I was way more tired than I anticipated. =D The nature of the city, I suppose!
At any rate, it sounds like you and the Girl had a FABULOUS time! Glad to hear it!
S. Krishna: It WAS great to see you again, even though we didn't have too much time to chat. We definitely have to get together soon.
Carrie: No worries. I know what you mean. We hadn't planned to be so busy, it just sort of happened. I hope you had a great time, too!
Welcome back! It sounds like you had a wonderful time in NYC & the BEA. Great recap post!
DCMetroreader: Thanks! We did have a great time. Of course, like all vacations, it was too short.
Sounds like a great time! And I am glad the girl got to meet Stine, he sure seemed nice
Blodeuedd: He was really nice, but I felt bad because he said I made him feel old when I told him that I passed all of the books I had by him when I was a kid onto my daughter. Oops!
Anna, for me, reading your recap was the next best thing to actually attending. It sounds like you and your daughter had a wonderful time in NYC (my hometown). I'm glad you took the water taxi--it's a personal fave of mine. Love the pics! And I can't wait to hear about all your new books.
What a fun recap! And how lucky TG was that you took her along!
Thanks for the fun recap for all of us who couldn't make it. Looks like you had a fabulous time!
You covered some serious ground! You saw just about everything New York has to offer in two days! And what a great experience for your daughter. She will probably remember that trip forever. Thanks for the awesome recap!
Glad you had such a great time!! I hope I can come along and meet all you awesomeites next year!
Sounds like you had an amzing time
What a fabulous time for you all! The Girl is lucky that wasn't the real Ozzy. Just last week our local news station ran a clip of him posing as himself in that museum and scaring people.
I would have been excited to meet the Ghost Hunters! That's my favorite show.
Get some rest, OK!
Great BEA recap! I'm glad you all had a wonderful time! :)
Loved your post and so glad that you both loved your trip. Waiting to see the pile of books next?
What a great post! Jealous - I'm so glad you and The Girl has such a good time!
Whew! Now that's a recap! I am so glad you "girls" got to enjoy NYC. I just wish we'd have more time to hang out!
I'm jealous of all you BEA-ers!
Sounds like you both had an exhausting but wonderful time!
I look forward to the mailbox monday post - even though I know I will become green-eyed with envy.
Awesome recap, Anna! It was so fun to meeting you...and THE GIRL is fabulous :) *waves to TG*
I'm so glad I got to see you and Serena again and that I finally got to meet The Girl - she is fabulous!
oh wow, it sounds like you and the girl had a great time!
very cool about R.L.Stine.
Great post - I just love looking at the BEA pics!
Ah sounds like a great time! Thank you for sharing pics and stories. I'm still a bit jealous I didn't get to go and meet up with all you guys :)
Wow- what a great trip! I'm so glad you had such a great time and wish I'd met you! :-)
I'm getting old if the girl is that big.. LOL Happy it was a great trip for you!
Wow, great recap Anna. I'm so glad you had a good time and that The Girl got to go as well and had fun!
What a wonderful time it sounds like you had. Loved reading all about it including the girl. :)
It looked like the Girl was having a blast. I am so glad she was able to come along!
It looks like you and The Girl had an awesome time. Not only did you get to do BEA stuff but you fit in some tourist things. That's awesome!
What a great sport The Girl is! My daughter would have been whining after a few hours. As if I didn't have enough to be jealous of, you got kringle? Was it Larsen's?
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