Today, I want to highlight some blogs with some really awesome reviews that didn't make the shortlist for the BBAW awards (or at least not in the reviews categories). There are so many blogs I enjoy and subscribe to, but I'm going to limit myself to 5. Otherwise, I'd be adding links to this post all day.
Bermudaonion's Weblog
You've GOTTA Read This!
Peeking Between the Pages
Life in the Thumb
At Home With Books
It's always a pleasure to read reviews by Kathy, Sandy, Dar, Staci, and Alyce, and if you don't already regularly read their blogs, it's about time you started. ;)
Even though she was on the shortlist this year (congrats!), I want to give a shout out to my good friend Serena of Savvy Verse and Wit. She's been my partner in crime for more than a decade, and we both take turns in the driver's seat at War Through the Generations. She always has something book-related to discuss, she's passionate about promoting poetry, and she's been a big help to me when it comes to blogging and writing.
And finally, I want to thank everyone who visits Diary of an Eccentric. I appreciate each and every one of your comments, and if you're a reader who hasn't yet commented, I hope you'll use BBAW as an opportunity to say "hi."
I like Kathy's blog too! That's the only one on your list I recognize.
Here is mine
Oh yea! Great shortlist you have here. and CONGRATS on your nom for best challenge.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Anna! I really do appreciate it. I love your blog and your challenge too!
Great post, Anna! I love Kathy and Sandy's blogs, too. In order to make my highlight manageable, I had to not consider people shortlisted in any category. Thank you so much for highlighting Life in the Thumb. I went there immediately because I had to know if she was from Michigan - my home state and true love (someday I'll be back - I swear it!). Thank you for highlighting her.
You are so kind to mention me! I agree with the other blogs you have mentioned. You are one of my absolute favorites AND one of my favorite challenges too!
I agree with ALl your choices :)
Happy BBAW!
It's been a juggling act for me today too, Anna. Our employers should give us a week's paid vacation for BBAW. :-)
The blogs you've highlighted are among my favorites as well.
I met you and Serena through BBAW last year, now that I think about it. You do such a wonderful job with your blog. I may not comment as often as I might like, but I do read all of your posts.
Thank you so much for the mention! I feel very honored that I made your short list!
Four familiar favorites and one new to me! Thanks for the recommendations.
Great pics! Happy BBAW!
Those are some great blogs and I love them all! Ok, I may be biased about my own, but you know which blogs I mean!
You picked a great 5 to list--I know it's so hard coming up with a list, but many of the ones you included are also my favorites.
Happy BBAW!
Wonderful list of blog buddies! I'm already a fan of a couple and can't wait to meet the others :)
Jeez! if i were to select - these girls would definitely make my list as well!
i really like your blog too Anna - it is great and good to know you more!
I agree with you over those blogs!
BBAW: Reading meme
It's totally intimidating to come up with a shortlist, because there are just so many blogs I love.
Thanks everyone! I do hope you check out these blogs if you haven't already.
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